The Lunch Break

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It was Monday again. Last week wasn’t that interesting. I was thinking about Louis all the time. Like I said it’s Monday again. School again. Uggh but there’s one good thing about Mondays – I get to see Louis, since I have history today. I can’t wait.

First half of the day went by quickly. It’s lunch now. Now I can’t wait until I see Louis. I was talking to Ella. She was talking about Zayn ALL THE TIME!!!

I guess the other girls heard her, since they started talking about their boyfriends.

“Liam is sooooo sweet, I love him so, so much...” Emily said.

“Zayn is sooo cute..” Ella went on.

“Niall’s eyes are so cute and blue, you can get lost in them, and then you can’t get out...” Nina said.

“Harry’s curls are just so toucheable...” Eva rambled.

I think you guessed I am the only single one in the group. Yes I’m a sinle pringle and ready to mingle.

“HEY! Chill out I know how they look, I watch those idiots every fucking day!” I said really loudly.

Right as I said that the boys came to our table and sat down.

“You idiots, where have you been? I had to listen about you all the time. But thank you guys so much because you saved me. The girls can’t stop thinking or talking about you!”

The girls blushed and sent me a glare, while the boys just laughed. When they started talking, I just thought of Louis. I never told anyone about my detention with Louis. Suddenly I felt very sad and depressed, so I suddenly stood up and ran out of the cafeteria. Before I did that, everyone looked strangely at me

My Teacher or My Lover(Louis Tomlinson love story)Where stories live. Discover now