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"Wait," I called out, panting at the same time. The one-handed pirate turned around swiftly upon hearing my voice.

"Harper?" Hook stared at me incredulously. "What the bloody hell are you doing? Where are the others?"

After the second curse, everyone but Henry and Emma was transported back to the Enchanted Forest.


Oh how I missed him. When Hook left, I decided to follow him. Why? Most likely to ask him to let me be a pirate too. I couldn't stay with everyone else in the Enchanted Forest.

Sure, they were sad. But it was different for Hook and me. I loved Henry the same way Hook loved Emma. I'd rather stay with someone who understood me until...who knows how long.

"I can't stay with the Charmings, Hook. Please, just let me be a pirate on your ship. The longer I stay there, the longer I'm reminded of Henry. And it hurts. It hurts so bad," I replied, pleading with Hook.

Hook was the closest thing to a father figure I had. My dad left before I was born, and my mom died giving birth to me in Storybrooke. Then Hook came and we became close.

Hook sighed, knowing I wouldn't take no for an answer. "Follow me."

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