So I'm going to atl back to the future concert and I'm kinda scared I mean it's not the first time but this one is in Madison square garden and me and my friend are going in by OURSELVES LIKE WHat IF SHE GETS LOST AND I DO TOO AND LIKE UGHHH IDKKK I guess every men by themselves :)
QOTD what's your favorite song by atl? If u don't listen to them u should there a rad band and SHOULD I THROW A FLOWER CROWN THAT I MADE FOR ALEX AND MAKE A POSTER???? Like what If the big dude will tackle me thinking its a bomb or something. Ha that'll be funny BTW THANKS FOR THE 2 STARS THING WOW HONESTLY IM HAPPY SOMEONE TOKE TIME TO READ THIS CRAP :) TO INFINITY AND BEYOUNDDDDD