Chapter One

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The orphanage lady whose name I haven't bothered learning calls all the kids down. Normally it's just one singular age group, but now it's every single kid.

Standing in front of me? Five incredibly handsome boys. My best friend, Stella Montgomery, beams at them, and the blonde one smiles right back at her. Stella's thirteen, as am I. I am Evangeline White.

They eventually reach us. "What's your names?" Quiff asks. "I'm Stella and she's Evangeline," Stella replies quickly. Quiff smiles. "You're a bundle of energy, aren't you, Stella?" Stella nods enthusiastically.

Quiff nods, still grinning, and walks away. I hit the chair arm. Stella didn't let me talk! Now I won't  be adopted for sure.

"Okay, we know who we want to adopt." Curly calls. It gets quiet fast. Buzz Cut smiles at all of us, but his smile falters when it sees my face. I probably look forlorn and ridiculous, like I'm throwing a temper tantrum.

I tear my eyes off of him only to see the eyes of the other four on me, as well. Now I am very nervous.

Blondie opens his mouth to say the name. Quiff smiles, as do the rest of them. For a moment I feel a flutter of hope in my stomach.

Then the flutter of hope is crushed by the syllables his lips form.

It's not Evangeline. It's not Angeline, a frequent mess-up. It's not even Eva, which is a hated nickname frequently bestowed upon me.


They call out 


My life is crushed. A bunch of the little kids start to cry and run out, but I just stand up calmly and leave.

I feel as if my world is crashing down around me. There's a ringing in my ears. I am normally fine. I don't know why my hopes were so high for those five boys.

I'm just freaking out because Stella is leaving.

Oh, who am I kidding? Stella gets to go live with five guys who will probably make her their little princess, and I am meanwhile stuck here, just because Stella opened her mouth and was all bubbly and happy and didn't let me say a word. They probably think I am just some loser with a mental problem.

The ringing intensifies when I hear a knock on the attic door. I only just realize that in my stupor I had locked myself in here. It's my bedroom. Only I get a room all to myself because I am the oldest and I've been here longer than anybody. Even the lady, she was hired by the owner of the orphanage three years ago after the nice lady who used to take care of me died of hypothermia. 


It's Stella. I can't let her in, I will just become like a stale piece of licorice. So hard it'll break your teeth. I don't even know why she's still here, anyone in their right mind would just pack up their stuff and leave.

I tiptoe over to my bureau, the only piece of furniture other than the saggy old bed, and gently slide my body into the space behind it. Then I push the wall. It opens and I dash in, carefully closing it behind me. I'd lie and say it was pitch black. But I only lie if I have to.

Instead, I walk into my private room. Like Narnia, but better. Way better.

I have all my paints, saved up over the years, in here. I also have a huge mural, a work-in-progress of sorts, half finished on the wall on the opposite side. I plug my earbuds into my old iPod, the iPod nano. It immediately plays a song I both love and despise. Love because it's awesome. Despise because it fits the moment. "People Like Us" by Kelly Clarkson is awesome.

I already said that, now didn't I? 

I dance around for a second before removing my paintbrush from its container, and gently dabbing it into my white acrylic paint. I take the brush and add one white stroke to the previously perfectly blue sky. I then take a dabber, also put my white paint on that, and dab the edges, blurring and teasing until it looks like a cloud. I add more piles of fluffy white heaven on a wall before plunking my paintbrush down into my cleansing water. I dance around even more before I hear one noise.

 A muffled thump. 

"Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood plays just then, but my dancing and painting has stopped. There is a noise like a deep breath in. I pull my earbuds out of my ears and pause the song. 

I tiptoe over to the door. I hear a little rustle.

Someone got into my room.

Someone figured out where my secret room was.

Someone is spying on me this exact second.

I quickly pull the door open to find a frozen guy.

Buzz Cut!

My eyes widen. No. No. No. Then Stella's here, and I'm going to turn into stale licorice, and oh no! This can't be happening!

"Ssshhhh!" he says frantically. I look at him, I feel my jaw drop. "I'll give you money, please don't scream my name!" he whispers, taking out a bundle of bills. If it's possible, I know that I just developed the expression of a kid on Christmas morning when they discover Santa gave them a puppy, cell phone, million dollars, fame, and no school for the rest of their life. And a celebrity.

I snap out of my stupor. "I'll take that, thank you very much." I say, grabbing the bundle and stuffing it into my butt pocket. His jaw drops now. "Do you know who I am?" he asks. I then notice his uncomfortable position wedged behind my bureau. "Buzz Cut," I say smirking.

"No. That's not my name." he says, looking at me. "You really don't know?"

"Nope!" I pop my p. "Don't know, don't care! I would like to know how you got into my room and found this doorway!" I say cheerfully and also very fakely. Nobody can know about my room. Coat on the sugar, Evangeline. Coat on the sugar.

"Um, I just, um... picked the lock." he says blushing. "Did you relock it?" I say, my voice frantic. "Yes." he says quickly, noticing my panic. I relax. "I found the secret room because there was a crack of light shining through." he says. "Dang it!" I whisper to myself. Mental note: close door all the way. Or shove black cloth underneath.

"So, are you gonna keep my money?" he asks. "Yes." I say, fully serious. "Now please leave my room. Don't ever come back." Coat on the sugar.

Who am I kidding? No sugar for Evangeline. She's been a very naughty girl indeed.

"Ooo-kay?" he says. I push him out and he rolls his shoulder. "It was getting jammed!" he says, a grateful look on his face. A hopeful one too.

"Don't tell anyone about my secret room. Lock the door behind you." I say rudely, slamming my door. I hear him grumble and then leave. 

I quickly turn off my light, leave the room, and lock the door, closing it fully. Buzz Cut is gone.

I go sit in my chair by the single window. I see Stella get into a car, with Quiff, Curly, Blondie, Stripes, and Buzz Cut.

Only one person looks back as they drive away.

It's not Stella.


Kat has finally persuaded me to do a One Direction fanfiction.

Sisters. *rolls eyes*

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Love ya!


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