Chapter 2

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Waiting tables. It was not Cass's ideal job but it paid the bills. Having lost her parents to a car accident a few years back, and spent her trust fund –which was intended for her studies– in an attempt to save her younger brother from leukemia, she had no choice but to be a waitress.
Really, it wasn't that bad a job. It could get stressful at rush hours, but other than that, she managed.

That day, her shift started at 6 pm and she was right on time, as always. She found her colleague and good friend Alexia overly excited for some reason.

"What's got you so bubbly?" She asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Sweetie please, the eye candy that's sitting at your 2..." she trailed off and let out a dreamy sigh.

Cass turned in the direction her friend indicated and found herself staring at a fine specimen. Strong jaw, chiseled features worthy of a Greek god, and a million-dollar smile, the cocktail was almost too much for her. Soon enough, she found herself staring into a pair of bright hazel eyes. She quickly averted her gaze, wishing she wouldn't blush at being caught checking the guy out.

As fate would have it, the Greek god and his friends were sitting in her section. And that meant a second opportunity to check him out without embarrassing herself.

As she headed their way to take their order, she could feel her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest. She couldn't understand what all her excitement was about. She had a boyfriend already. And not just any boyfriend; he was the leader of a notorious gang. If he ever were to find out she openly checked out a stranger, he'd have a fit, that's for sure.

Nevertheless, the nearer she got to the table, the more excited she grew. She willed herself not to stutter and succeeded in taking their order without making a fool out of herself.

Cass had to admit that all three occupants of the table were beautiful. Hell, even the small sleeping baby was a sight to behold.

"Damn, you're lucky, girl. How was his voice?" Alexia gave her a light shove when she reached her.

"Shush! They're gonna hear you," Cass whisper-yelled, blushing to the roots of her hair.

She was no longer a teenager, so why was she always blushing so much?

"It's your blushing that's betraying you," her friend told her teasingly. "So, his voice?"

Knowing Alexia, she wouldn't shut up unless she got the information she wanted.

"He has a deep baritone voice," Cass all but whispered, "and a British accent."

"A British accent?" Her friend squealed, making Cass face-palm in dismay.

"Can you be any louder?" She sighed, heading to another table.

"Sorry," Alexia stuck out her tongue, showing how little she cared about being heard.

Cass simply shook her head at her friend's antics.

When the foreigner's order was ready, Cass took it to them on barely steady feet. She couldn't understand what was it that had her so disturbed. She had seen her fair share of good looking guys before, but never had she been so affected by the mere sight of one. She was so affected, in fact, that she almost dropped his plate.

If it hadn't been for his quick reflexes, she would have spilled the meal on the table and possibly on him. Their hands touched for a brief moment, and she could have sworn her skin tingled on contact. Her core throbbed at the proximity of such a fine hulk and her cheeks took on a red tint.

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