Chapter 7

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The icy sea raged ahead of me as I stalked along the beach, keeping a careful eye out for any of the creatures I had witnessed earlier. Eventually, a familiar scuttling sound reached my ears and I flew into the sky, squinting to try and see it.
Well over one hundred... Things... Flew along the beach, sand kicking up in a cloud as they caught sight of me, charging.
Gunshots, screams, shouting.
People were appearing in just few numbers, shooting at the creatures. On the sand bank, I saw Trixie, who looked up at me before returning her gaze to the purplish horrors, raising a handgun and taking a shot.
More and more... Cebors, I named them, spilled along the beach, scrabbling up the sand dunes towards the people who hurriedly ran, apart from Trixie. "Trixie, go!" I screamed above the howling wind, flying towards her.
"I've nothing left! Go save your fiancés, Louis!" She called back, continuing to fire at the Cebors.
"No!" Even as I swooped towards her, they reached her, snarling and snapping as they dug into her flesh, a bloodcurdling scream reigning through the air before silence... Silence.
Trixie was dead.
"I can do this, I can do this." Taking a deep breath, I took off, flying as fast as I could towards the direction of Caimbolso Island, the navigation much easier as I had a smaller target.
A backpack filled with water and a small amount of food was securely strapped onto my back. Despite this, I knew my chances of making it back to the place I called home were minimal, as the colossal amount of sea I had to cover would take me a long time. This time, without being able to sleep... I had one shot.
Wind howled, waves crashed, wings flapped. Life and danger surrounded me, as I nervously pushed myself forwards.
Praying myself to fly faster, I felt the world around me blur, my vision focused on the unstructured horizon. Home... I had to make it home. I had to save my fiancés, my saviours, my heroes.
"Stupid XYZ. Stupid Ro. Stupid life." I mumbled furiously.
Many hours later
My head throbbed. My throat was swollen. My body was aching.
Carefully, I drifted towards the sea, suspending myself in the air as I unclasped my backpack, slowly unzipping it and retrieving a small bottle of water. Once I had swallowed it, I threw it through the air, watching it crash into the waves before continuing my journey.
Trixie was dead, now.
She'd sacrificed her life in order to kill as many Cebors as possible. Just as Finn had sacrificed his life in order to kill X. Their deaths replayed in my mind, their last words echoing.
"Louis... Think of Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn. Think of Lela. Think of Trixie and I. Think of everyone - you can't give up on us."
"I've nothing left! Go save your fiancés, Louis!"
They'd given me my mission. Whereas they had lost their purpose, I had mine. My purpose was to find Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn, my fiancés, to save them, to stop them from falling because of me.
I wouldn't let them die. Not now.
Not now I had a future with them, not when I had lives to save, as the destruction caused by them would likely kill off most if not all of the island and perhaps the surrounding ones.
No one was left on the Other Land. That attack that had killed Trixie may well have killed many others. If more died on the islands, humanity itself may be in danger. Despite Harry having told me we weren't superheroes who went on awesome quests to fight evil and wore capes, I currently felt like one. I also felt like a very tired and upset mutant who'd watched his brother and sister-in-law commit a suicide save in front of him.
Only Niall knew. Or perhaps he had told my other fiancés. My speed of flying slowed as I raised my top slightly, looking at the scars slashed into my own skin by the blade of a razor.
It was with a heavy sigh that I set back off to Caimbolso Island.
"Think of Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn."
"Go save your fiancés, Louis!"
I had a job to do.

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