Now with a seemingly full car adi gets a phone call...
Adi-what's that ringing!!!
Trey-dude just your phone give it to me
Adi hands trey the phone and he lays it upon his grease ridden face
Trey- hello?
Zach- hey man I wish I had friends
Trey puts his hand over the top of the phone...trying to share a secret without Zach hearing.
Trey- ugh it's Zach again..
Hunter- fuck that kid
Spencer- god what does he want!
Zach- um I heard all that guys...
Trey- uh ehrm what's up man
Zach- well like a said I have no friends
Trey- ya
Zach- and I'm bored
Trey- ya
Zach- looking for someone to hang out and talk to
Trey- ya
Zach-i have a gun in my had trey! It's pointed at my neak!!
Trey- ya
The hears a large bang through the phone...
Adi- did he finally do it already!?
The gang starts to celebrate and dance and turn on their favorite song
Zach- still here guys....
The music comes to a halt and the group moral goes from high hopes to sadness and despair..
Trey- oh hey Zach
Zach- so can we hang ?
Trey- ugh yeah be there in 15
Grudgingly the group drives toward zachs house slightly wimpering in agony as they do it.
Adi- why we gotta get him? I no like that ugly kid
Spencer- remember adi, like trey, he is our burden to bare.
Trey- I want to kill myself
Hunter- when don't you trey?
The group could hardly understand what hunter was saying because he had a mouthful of potato chips and pudding
The car pulls up to zachs house. They are happily greeted by zachs father
Papa Zach- oh thank you!! Thank you beautiful children
Trey- wut?
Papa Zach- yes you kids give me hope that my son can make friends! He isn't just a ugly bitch
Spencer- with all due respect sir... We fucking hate your son...
Papa Zach- wait what?
Adi- yeah he's peice of shit maaaan
Hunter- yeah man surprised he hasn't killed himself...
Papa Zach- oh.... I see... I figured he had real friends..
Adi- nope
Zach walks out of the house with a huge smile on his face
Zach- friends!!!
All four friends say together...
Group- just get in the fucking car Zach....
Zach- yes sirs!!!
As the car drives away spencer glances in his rear view mirror and seems to see papa Zach on his knees weeping in his hands... And as he turns the corner he runs quickly out into on comin traffic...R.i.p zachs father, that never really loves him.. This chapter is dedicated to his memory...

Just a few boys...
FantasyJust a group of friends hang out together and discover something new about each other