Who am i? Monster food or what?

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CHAPTER: 1 - Who am i? Monster food or what?

Look I know what you're thinking, why am I reading a book again?

And I'll answer for fun or because you have no choice. Either way it's the 21st century you don't do that now, well let me tell you a little something I did. And it came back to bite me in the ass. But let's go back to how it all started. Shall we.

My name is Lady Oceana Atlantis. And I'm 10 years old. 2 weeks ago my mother died in some freak accident and I was caged in an institute. 2 days ago my life changed forever.

2 days ago I was taken out of hell - also known as the institute for young noble ladies - and taken to my mom's testament reading. She left me a book, including a letter.

My dear Oceana,

I hope you do not hate me for leaving you so soon. But you're not completely alone; I just couldn't tell you before. Your father is alive and you need to search for him, I know my sister will try to destroy you for you are different. I cannot tell you who he is; you need to search for him yourself. Because for you to love him you must understand him first, it is not easy to love him. I could not do it and not everyone can; But your strong and I know you can do it; but be warned my daughter, loving him could completely destroy you. The book I left you- The book of mysteries- can help you; use all the knowledge I gave you to find him. And remember never back down from the threat of death.

With love,

Your mother Lucinda.

Yeah, that's all she told me. Of course she would, she couldn't make it easy for her barley a decade old daughter. The book she left me is called The book of mysteries how boring. That and my aunt gave me a look that said she sold my soul to the devil. How creepy can she get? Not much I'd said. And you know what's worst I can't understand the damned book. It's in a language that's been dead a really, really long time. Sometimes I wonder what that woman had in her head, I mean I have ADHD, dyslexia, and every subject I have to learn is like they are teaching it in another language. And she knew that. And she asked who I got my weirdness from. I have always been so sure of who I am? Forget that I know who I am. Or at least I have a pretty good idea; though it all went to hell. Right now I'm actually packing getting ready to get the hell out of this institute. My mother comes from royal blood; who exactly? I have no idea and neither do I care to find out. But she made me learn some 'Royal 101' and the 5 rule maybe, I don't remember exactly which one but it was. "Be charming but detached and yet amused." And that's pretty hard if you ask me. But some of that later, right now I'm finishing packing and looking for someone who can actually read this. But my mother had many contacts all around the world. After a while I found it, the last contact in my mothers' journal

Lady Darga

That was all that was written, there was no phone number or home address, or even how to contact her. She couldn't make it easy of course.

Traveling to the airport while hiding from your aunt, who's a psychotic murderer, is pretty hard. But I managed; I got on an airplane and got the hell out of there. From Spain I traveled to Mexico and you don't imagine how glad I was when we touched ground. I swear the damned plane was going to fall. I went directly to the depth of the city whose name I didn't know; but they knew Lady Darga that was enough for me. When I showed up at her cabin she seems to be waiting for someone. "I wondered how long it would take you to show up. I thought at least 1 week, but I see your mother thought you well, 2 days and I imagine one you spend it packing and researching." For a moment I freak out before I pull myself together. "Lady Darga?" "Who else child? Come sit you must be tired and hungry." I stepped forward and sat down. I pull the book from my bag and put it on the table. She looked at it and frowned, with her delicate hand she picked it up and flip through it. The suspense was killing me and I snapped, "Well? Do you know what it says?" "Do you want me to translate it now? I can only tell you the first paragraph?" I nodded. I was curious about knowing what language it was. "Well here goes nothing. Oh and child this language is Proto-Greek the unrecorded but assumed last ancestor of all known varieties of Greek. It was said it was all lost in the city of Atlantis. Ironic knowing your last name." That startled me, but I showed no emotion. She opened the book and started reading:

If you read this book you're obviously trying to find a big secret of life, well let me tell you something. That's not what this is; this is a book that tells a story of love. But unlike any other story this one ended in tragedy, with a woman dead and a man bitter and resentful. My name is kali Mairin and I was the first child of Poseidon ever to be born. But the fates decreed that I was to love my father more than a child should love their father. That was my curse, what led to my destruction and the destruction of my home beyond the pillars of Heracles, an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. But whatever crosses your mind remember it was not by his hand that I fell but by his sister Hera and Amphitrite. And remember everything might change with the last word. But let's go back to the beginning.

I was shocked, Poseidon as in the Greek god of the sea. This sucked majorly. I sighed. "Well child that's all I can read for now, I can translated but it will take time. I can send you every few pages I translate." I nodded and stood up shaking her hand. As I walked away she spoke again. "don't worry I'll take care of the book of secrets, that's another name by the way. Oh and be careful with the monsters, it may take a while for you to get another answer from me." I frowned, what the hell was with that warning. I shrugged. Oh well she might be crazy. As I walked I was tackled down into the ground by a dog. The thing was that when I looked at it I had never seen it before. It had black fur, was bigger than a tank and it had eyes as red as the pits of hell. I did the only logical thing I ran the hell out of there. Damned woman could have told me.

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