A New Assassin 4

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After I reported the incident with my brother and sister, the council of Assassins told me to recruit someone worthy. In class I look around to see who is worthy, no one here is worthy to be honest. One kid is making fun of someone else's shoes and what they are wearing isnt real. "We must take out the bullies" I kept hearing Eric's voice. Oh how I would love to take that piece of shit out. Im sorry that not everyone can afford what you can dipshit, I cant recruit the kid getting made fun of because he may expose the creed. Dan takes a seat next to me, I look at him and he gives me a stern look. "How about Katie?" He asked me, I gave him the face of disbelief. "No, I wont allow it" I told him while I kept looking around the classroom. "Well we need to find 2 Assassins to recruit and quick, we have a mission coming soon" Dan said. "I know I know" I said to myself. When it was lunch time I sat with Dan in a corner. We both looked for out perfect Assassin. Nothing, more kids making fun of others just to hurt them emotionally. I was daydreaming for about 10 seconds when I noticed I was looking in the direction of the table where those no life shits were at. 7 people got up and walked over to me. "What the fuck were you looking at?" He asked in a very aggressive way. "Nothing, just day dreaming" I replied. "Just day dreaming, old ugly shit head ass boy, boy you shop at payless with your broke ass" he began to make fun of me. His friends joined in as they were laughing. "Boy you look like you trip over air with your dumb ass" he kept going. I got up and walked over to him, he gave me a little shove. I hit him in his jaw, he fell back as his friends ran up to me and began to fight. Dan and I began to fight the 7 of them. They fought like shit, we took them down so fast it wasnt even a fight. The security of the school came and grabbed Dan and I, no point in grabbing them we were more dangerous. They dragged us into the office while placing the other 7 into another room in the nurse's office. "What the hell was that?" The principal asked us, "nothing, they picked a fight and we retaliated" Dan said. "Those arnt moves you learn in martial arts class" he insisted, "Mr. Zaro" I interrupted. "What?!" He shouted, "how would you like to protect the people and help a cause" I asked. Dan looked at me with disbelief, "I already donate to charity" he said. "Im not talking about charity you fuckhead" I said while slamming my hands down on his desk. Mr. Zaro sat down in fear, "what do you mean then?" He asked. "I mean to take out those who hurt the people around us, those who would be better off dead" Dan said. Mr. Zaro still looked confused, "let me make this more clear, do you remember on the news that the President of New Zealand got killed?" I asked. He nodded his head, "yeah, hi there, died by my blade" I said. Mr. Zaro's face was frozen in surprise, "what do you mean, died by your blade?" Mr. Zaro asked. I lifted my arm up a bit and my hidden blade came out. "Is that implanted in your arm?" He asked frightened, "no, its just a blade you wrap around your hand, and when you need to kill or assassinate someone you just pull the invisible string to make it come out" I explained. "So what is it going to be?" Dan asked, "and this is to help people?" Mr. Zaro asked. I nodded, he gets up and walks over to the window. "Yes, i'll join you" he stated. "Will my family be protected?" He asked, Mr. Zaro turned around and Dan and I already vanished into the shadows. I left him a note on his desk with a hidden blade and an Assassin outfit. "One down, one more to go, but why him?" Dan asked me as we were heading back to class. "In case we get some trouble in school he can bail us out, and he was worthy" I replied. "Oh but Katie wasn't worthy?" Dan asked, I turned to him and pinned him to the wall by his collar. "She will not join, it is too dangerous" I said as I let him go. He stayed there watching as I walked off with a pissed off look. "I cant let her join, she's too precious to me" I said.

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