Just a Whisper Away

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Summer vacation plus New York City equals THE BAST VACATION OF MY LIFE! I have always dreamed of traveling to the big apple with my bestest friends and now the dream has come true!


My plans for the summer were sitting around in my room. Kind of boring, I know. That's why I decided to go to New York with them, a little adventure can't hurt!


Who knows? Maybe in New York I will find my dream guy and we will fall in love and get married! And have children!

Three 17 year old girls are ready to spend summer vacation in the New York City before they are brought into the world of college. They are ready to live like teenagers for the last few months. But remember: With Big Cities Come Great Responsibility.


I am SO excited to start this story and I hope you are excited to read it! I am also creating a Rant book because I just love to rant on and on about things! Have a great day everyone!


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