The Librarian- Part One

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A/N: Part Two will be up ASAP. Dedication to TheBestMonthEver. She knows why. *creepy smile* NOW ENJOY!!!


Harry's job was usually quiet. Which was good. He liked quiet. So when a group of teenagers thought the Library was a good place to hang out Harry got a little bit annoyed. But he couldn't exactly do anything about it. For one, he was too awkward to ask them to be quiet and secondly, they weren't breaking any rules.

They were just louder then Harry liked the Library but unfortunately for Harry they weren't loud enough he could kick them out.

Just as Harry shook away thoughts of the irritating group, they walked in the doors of the Library...

Harry sighed as he watched the group- all around his age (19)- collapse on the mass of beanbags that were in the centre of the from, for people wanting to enjoy a good book, Harry thought with a glare in the direction of the group.

"Ugh" Glancing to the side, Harry saw Jess, another Librarian.

She was setting down a stack of books as she looked at the group of people. She shared his annoyance with them, Harry knew she liked quiet too.

He slung an arm around her shoulder, nodding, she sighed and leaned into the taller boy. Harry smiled down at his friend.

She was pretty, Harry supposed, black hair up in a ponytail, freckles splattered across her cheeks, warm chocolate brown eyes, and cutely short compared to him. Although he and Harry were liked brother and sister. Also, it was no secret that Harry bat for the same team as her.

"Oh God" She groaned in irritation, turning to bury her face in Harry's chest as if she was having the worst day ever.

"What?" Harry asked in worry, placing a hand on her back to hug her closer.

"The group grew" Jess sighed once again before pulling away from Harry and getting back to work.

Harry looked over and found she was right. The group had gone from five- three boys and two girls- to six. Another boy had joined them. Harrybwould have groaned in protest like Jess but he became to stars truck by the new boy to even breathe properly.

The boy was... He was... Just wow. Tossed feathery light brown hair. Sun-kissed skin. And from what Harry could see, blue eyes? Maybe green. His outfit made him look even hotter in Harry's opinion. A tight fitting white top, showing a toned chest and arms. Then loose around the waist badge chinos, and to add to it he had a killer smile.

As cliché as it was Harry's knee trembled and he was a tad light headed.

Just then, unluckily for Harry, Jess came back. She dumped another arm load of precious books were placed on the table. She took one look at Harry's face and smirked.

"Which one?" She whispered, stepping closer to Harry just in case anyone heard.

"Newbie" He replied simple, with a slight shrug.

Jess briefly looked over "Understandable. Want me to find out his name for you?"

"Why wouldn't I be able to get it myself?"

Jess gave Harry her best 'really?' look and he just nodded.

"Isn't that a little stalking though?" He frowned slightly.

"Need I remind you of your last crush, Daniel?" She smiled, wiggling her eyebrows at her friend.

"Shu'up" He shoved Jess a little, making her laugh "And.... Get that name" Harry whispered the last part in a rush before picking up an arm full of books and getting to work (he was on sorting and shelving duty).

The Librarian (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now