The Librarian- Part Two

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A/N: sorry for taking soooo long. dedication to mudpie102 for being the first to comment :D

Louis opened his eyes for a brief moment, snapping them shut and groaning at all the light.

Why's there so much light? Is a curtain open? Louis' room is always pitch black, so why's there light?

A smile stretched across Louis' face as he remembered where he was. Without opening his eyes Louis moved his arm to the space Harry occupied.

Or rather, previously occupied.

As his hand met air, Louis' eyes snapped open. He looked around the now very very clean room. There was no sight of Harry but it was clear he'd tidied up. It wasn't this clean last night. Louis smiled, knowing that Harry must at least like him a little if he cares what his flat looks like when he's around.

There may not have been sight of Harry. But from the smell Louis guessed Harry was cooking. Louis grinned once again, he'd never had anyone cook for him. Expect his mum.

Louis stood quickly and brushed off his clothes, grimacing a little when he realised he slept in them. He shook his head and followed the oh so delicious smell of bacon.

After a moment of following his nose Louis found himself in the door way of a homey well looked after kitchen. It was so clean. And the theme, white and cream colours, just added to the clean look.

Counters and cabinets ran along the wall opposite to Louis. On the counter knife holders, cups, tea pots, sugar, spices and other utensils were lined up against the wall perfect. The cooker, fridge and dish washer were all the same distance way and everywhere in the kitchen was accessible, including a cute little table for two in the corner.

Then there was Harry. Fitting in perfectly with the kitchen as he danced around to a song that wasn't playing, hair looking messed but amazing, a smile on his lips and wearing... just his boxers.

Louis' eyebrow rose. An adorably awkward (at times) boy like Harry, dancing, in just his underwear. Not that Louis was complaining, not at all, not a single protest.

"Where your toilet?" Louis suddenly found himself asking. Apparently his bladder wanted to be relived and his brain decided now was the time to ask. Shame, Louis was just about to admire Harry's muscles and b-

"Down the hall. Second door. I put some clothes I thought would fit you in the guest room, that's opposite the loo. You have take a shower if you like" Harry said, turning around some where in his statement, and was now beaming at Louis.

"Wow. Thanks, Hazza" Louis turned to leave but quickly faced Harry again to add a little compliment "You should wear less clothes more often"

He added a wink, and then left the room. Although he still caught sight of Harry's bright red face.

Louis made his way down the corridor. The first door had a sign on, giving a warning to not enter. Louis stopped in front of the door. He felt like a little child, he's told not to do something but he really wants to know what's behind that door.

Louis shook away the thoughts, he wouldn't do that to Harry. He entered the door beside the door with the sign.

The bathroom, which included a sink, loo, bath tub, shower AND enough room for Louis to lie face flat on the floor, was decorated with light shades of blue and gave off a relaxed vibe. Louis briefly wondered how Harry had such a big flat when he worked as a Librarian.

His bladder quickly reminded him he wasn't here to be wondering about Harry's salary, but he was here to do his business.

He fulfilled his needs before washing and drying his hands. He then left the mellow bathroom, he briefly glanced at the door with a sign before entering the room opposite.

The Librarian (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now