Okami Clan

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Delphine Okami
Birthday December 1st
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Age: 28
Height: 6'3
Parents: Ash Okami; Kaji Okami
Siblings: Ivan Okami (Older brother) Kiku Okami (younger brother) Chad Okami (youngest brother) Jessie Okami (younger sister)
Mate: Alvar Hones
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Blue
Gender: Female
Kids: Dean Hones,Kida Hones
Favorite Food: Chicken

Kevin Okami
Birthday: September 12th
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: White
Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Parents: (I haven't plan them)
Siblings: Ash Okami and Fireball Okami
Mate: Stephine Ai (dead)
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Grey
Gender: Male
"Kids": Eren(his cat),Motorlona (female lizard), Paul (male lizard)
Favorite Food: Chicken

Kiku Okami
Birthday: July 11th
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Parents: Kaji Okami and Ash Okami
Siblings: Jessie Okami, Chad Okami, Ivan Okami, and Delphine Okami
Mate: Angelica Mizu (NOT MY OC)
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Black
Gender: Male
Kids: Jack Okami and Amber Okami
Favorite Food: Angelica ; )

Ivan Okami
Birthday: December 9th
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: White/black (depends on how old he is.)
Age: 30
Height: 6'4
Parents: Kaji and Ash Okami
Siblings: Jessie,Chad,Delphine,and Kiku Okami
Mate: None
Species: Human
Favorite Color: White
Gender: Male
Kids: None
Favorite Food: Popcorn

Jessie Okami
Birthday: April 1st
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Parents: Kaji and Ash Okami
Siblings: Kiku,Chad,Delphine,and Ivan Okami
Mate: None
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Orange
Gender: Female
Kids: None
Favorite Food: Cheetos

Chad Okami
Birthday: March 27th
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Parents: Kaji and Ash Okami
Siblings: Delphine,Ivan,Kiku,and Jessie Okami
Mate: None
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Pink
Gender: Male
Kids: None
Favorite Food: Carrots

Dean Hones
Birthday: May 5th
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Age: (I am doing his older version so Delphine would be 36) 18
Height: 5'11
Parents: Delphine Okami and Alvar Hones
Sibling: Kida Hones
Mate: Luke (I haven't figured out his last name yet.)
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Red
Gender: Male
Kids: None
Favorite Food: Luke 🌚🌚🌚

Kida Hones
Birthday: June 26th
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Age: (same as Dean) 17
Height: 6'0
Parents: Delphine Okami,Alvar Hones
Sibling: Dean Hones
Mate: He literally sleeps with every living thing so none.
Species: Human
Favorite Color: Peach
Gender: Male
Kids: Probably low key has some.
Favorite Food: Pussy and Dick.

(I will do Ash and Kaji later on once I develop them better.)

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