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A silent shinobi was standing on the roof of her home, under the dark cloak of night. Her thoughts went to her home, her family, her friends; but not the ones everyone thought.

On this dark night Sakura Haruno made a decision.

(Sakura POV)
The next morming I walked to the training fields, where all of my 'friends' were.  As I approached the field, they turned to face me, scowls and grimaces adorning their faces.

They had no right to scowl at me. I'm the one who was suffering.

My Hidden Bijū, Himue, spoke to me. "It will be alright. You have already made your choice, have you not?" There are eight Hidden Bijū, one less than the Bijū.

I spoke back. "Yes, Himue, I suppose you're right." The Hidden Bijū were not known to most people, and still aren't.

People who know of their existence are either Jinchurikki, like me, or one of the few people who are still alive who helped these vessels.

My parents, were some of those few people. And they have deceased.

My hidden Bijū is the sixth. Himue is a wolf, black as night with six tails, white streaked fur, and crimson eyes.

The Hidden Bijū also have a massive amount of chakra. Almost three times as much as the Bijū actually, and are equal in size.

But since my chakra is strong enough and massive enough, I can block all traces of Himue's chakra, and control her.

I simply ignored the scornful looks sent my way and kept walking. As I stepped onto the field, I could see Naruto and Sasuke sparring.

"Hey guys!" I shouted.

"Hey Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted back. He and Sasuke stopped fighting and the Uchiha nodded his head towards me in acknowledgement. "Hn."

I walked towards them, ready for our final spar. "Mind if I intervene?" Sasuke seemed sceptical, but Naruto was all for it. "Of course not! The more the merrier!"

I got in my fighting position and prepared myself. Naruto didn't seem to notice the difference but Sasuke did. I knew this would happen.

Without warning Sasuke disappears and I follow suit. I can sense his chakra nature, even if his chakra is being masked. Naruto was a wide open target, but I went after the raven.

He seemed a little surprised but not too much as I implanted my fist into the tree right by his head. Sasuke bounded away but was attacked by Naruto.

My plan was to attract Naruto's attention to Sasuke by revealing his location and making lots of noise; it worked. With Naruto focusing on Sasuke, I knew I could win.

Naruto and Sasuke are rivals, I'll catch them both of gaurd together and win the spar. While the two of them engaged in heated battle, I bided my time and let them forget about me.

Once I saw an opening, I charged for Sasuke first. I threw several shuriken, which he blocked all but one. It managed to scratch his cheek.

Before they could react, I took Sasuke down with a chakra infused punch from the other direction. I turned to Naruto and made some handsigns. "Earth Style: Earth Impact Jutsu!"

A dome of Earth surrounded Naruto then flattened out and crushed him into the hard earth of the training feild. I heard a groan from him as I dispelled the jutsu.

As the dirt crumbled, Sasuke walked back towards the two of us with a gait that highlighted the extent of his injuries. His eyes narrowed at me as he met me with childish scorn.

"Heal me." I just stared at him blankly. He sighed. "Please." He mumbled. I smiled and got to work on his more serious injuries before tending to Naruto.

After I finished healing Naruto the others came over. "Woah, Sakura! When did you get so good!?" Tenten exclaimed as the group came to a stop.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Um, practice?" Sasuke, Neji, and a few others didn't seem so convinced, but the others didn't seem to mind.

I looked towards the horizon and realized with alarm, that it was getting late. "Sorry, guys. I really gotta go. See ya!" I ran from the field knowing full well that I would probably never see them again.

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