The Night

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(Sakura POV)
I arrived at my apartment, and started packing. I planned on leaving, the village I called home for 14 years, and begin a new life in a not-so-new home.

I'll travel the continent and take on jobs from any village, big or small. I'll be sure to hide my kekkei genkai, and suppress Himue's chakra unless they are needed.

I was sure to pack lots of scrolls containing special jutsus that my clan specializes in. As well as a large book of my clan history. Once I finished my packing, I went straight to Tsunade's office.

Knock knock.

"Come in."

I entered her office, and walked up to her desk. She had no reaction, and was caught up in her work.

I placed both of my hands on her desk, and leaned on it towards her face. She looked up at me and, seeing who I was, her face lit up.

"Hi Sakura, what's up?"

"I need to leave."

"Sure, what kind of job would you like?"

"Actually, Lady Tsunade, I need to leave Konoha."

That was a mistake.

"You want to what!"

She smashed the desk, nearly taking my entire head with it. I would've been lucky to move out of the way with a fracture.

But instead, the force of her punch threw me back into the wall, even if she didn't hit me directly.

I sat lodged in the wall, slightly taken aback at her reaction, but expecting it all the same. "Sakura, I'm not letting my precious student go rogue and leave the village."

"I'm not going rogue, Lady Tsunade. I just want permission to be released from my responsibilities in Konoha, and be my own individual party."

"Still, for someone so young, and fragile as yourself, I don't think it would be best for you to leave."

"Look, Lady Tsunade, I'm your star pupil. If there's one thing I'm sure of, its that I'll be fine. You are the strongest shinobi to ever live, and I am your disciple.

I have mastered all your teachings, and have even mastered the hundred healings jutsu. You must let me go."

She stared blankly at nothing, thinking about the information I gave and whether letting me go would be the right choice.

"Fine." Came her short answer.

I unwedged myself from the wall. Walking over to what used to be her desk, I said for the last time, "Thank you, shishou."

"Don't do anything you'll regret."

"I can't promise that I won't, but I must request something else from you." She raised her eyebrow at this. "Yes?"

"Please keep this our little secret; just between you and me."

"Sakura, if I do that, the other nations will brand you as a rogue-nin-"

"And I'm okay with that. As long as Konoha is still my ally, and my second home." Tsunade hesitated to answer. "..If that is what you wish...then so be it. Konoha will be here to support you."

"Thank you again." With my final goodbye and order of business, I left.

By the time I reached my home, now barren with no trace of anything, it was already dark out. I gathered my scrolls and put them into my shinobi pack.

I gave my apartment one last glance before darting off into the abyss. The night was young, but all was quiet. I was sure to move swiftly and softly; nonetheless I sensed a following presence.

I knew who it was. The only person who seemed to really get what was happening. The only person who constantly kept a close eye on me. The only person who would know.

I stopped in front of the gate. My pursuer stopped behind me.



"What was that earlier? Where are you going?"

"....This seems to be a moment of 'De Ja Vu,' wouldn't you agree?"


"Right. Well, if you must know, I have to get going. Something important I must do; business. None of your concern."

"Is it...?"

"Yes. In a way."

How we could communicate on such a level was beyond me. But not as much one would think. We had a lot in common, he and I. Most just didn't know it.

We sat in silence for a minute or two, taking in the other's presence. I felt my eyes sting for the first time in a long time. I would miss my second home.

Though some may have called me weak, Konoha was a kind and loving village. I had a few friends whom I cherished. Sasuke was one of them. Him and Naruto.

"Try not to die." He mumbled. I smiled to myself. 'Trust me, I don't plan on it. If I do, everything I worked for would be a waste.'

I shunshined next to Sasuke. "Now, Sasuke, it is my turn to say 'Thank You,'" I looked at his eyes. He looked back. I looked away. "But I won't be coming back."

His eyes widened by the smallest fraction. Before Sasuke could do anything, I erased his memory and knocked him out. His memory would return in about three days. That would give me time.

With one final look at Sasuke's sprawled out form, I bounded into the trees. Away from Konoha.

And towards my home.

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