Chapter Four

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Phoebe's POV:

I open the front door to my house and quietly close it behind me, making sure to lock it. It was a little after two but I didn't care. Me and Leon had the perfect night just lazing around watching movies and talking, while eating popcorn.

It was actually cute. Maybe throw in a few kisses here and there but we didn't go further then that.

Leon wanted to drive me home just to make sure I got home safely but I reminded him that I drove to his house. So he told me as long as I called or messaged him when I got home I could go. I'm pretty sure he wanted me to stay the night with him though, it's understandable because I actually wanted to stay and I knew mom would be alright with it although my dad and brother is another story.

I jump in fright as I turn around and find Aiden standing there with a stern look on his face.

"Where were you? Oh wait, don't tell me. You were at Leon's."

"Don't scare me like that." I snap, whacking his arm. "And yes I was at Leon's. Mom said I could go, unless I had to ask you first. Hmm?" He stays silent. "Do you want me to be unhappy Aiden? Cause I will be if you continue this selfish act of yours. Did it ever occur to you that the grudge that you're holding is over nothing? Leon did nothing wrong, yeah he may have been a player and he went against your wishes, for him to stay away from me but-"

"Yeah, you're right. He did go against my wishes. I'm just trying to protect you from getting hurt." He tells me straight.

I laugh flatly, "Yet you did exactly that, and you continue doing that. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to bed."

"Phoebe don't walk away from me again!" Aiden tells me sounding annoyed. "We need to talk about this or it will never be resolved."

"Ask me nicely in the morning and I'll see." I tell him walking upstairs to my room.

When I enter my room I close the door and jump back on my bed with a sigh. Thinking about the wonderful night I had with Leon. Then I remember, I have to message him. Shit, I nearly forgot with having another argument with my brother. I quickly grab my phone out of my purse and see that it's flashing like crazy.

I scroll through the notifications seeing fifteen missed calls and quite a few texts from Leon. I was just about to unlock my phone when it flashed with a photo of me and Leon at his house. I quickly tap accept on the call, putting the phone to my ear.


"Oh thank god you're alright. I was worried!" Leon scolds.

I smile like crazy at this. "I could see with all the messages and missed calls. Sorry, my brother stopped to question me on my way in, otherwise I would have messaged you sooner." 

I was talking in hushed whispers as most of my family was asleep.

"As long as you're okay." I can hear the smile in his voice. "You know I had fun tonight hanging out with you."

"Same-" I cut myself off with a yawn.

"Are you tired? Do you want me to go so-"

I start shaking my head forgetting he wasn't here. "No, it's okay. I don't want you to go and plus you can talk me to sleep." I tell him. I can picture him grinning. "Unless you want to go and sleep?" 

I slip under the covers of my blankets getting into a comfortable position, resting my head comfortably on my large soft pillow.

"No, I never said that Princess. I would talk twenty four- seven with you if I could, but the blue sky goes dark for a reason and we all need sleep to function."

"It's possible Li, we could talk whenever we want." I tell him quietly, silently missing his warm embrace. I let out another yawn.

My heavy eyes drop close, my phone still on my ear. 

"Princess, you need your sleep." He whispers but before I can complain he says, "I have an idea, I'll tell you a story." I smile sleepily, letting out a sleepy moan, letting him know I heard him. "It used to help me fall asleep when I was younger." Leon says sheepishly. "You're still there, right. You're not asleep yet? Are you?"

"I'm still here." I mumble sleepily, with a small smile on my lips. "I didn't think you were into story telling." I mumble.

"Shh, before I change my mind." He says playfully, I stay quiet wanting to listen to his voice. "Okay, so there was once a princess. She fell in love with a boy who she was forbidden to love but she did anyways. Her brother eventually found out and wasn't happy about it. But then the boy found out the princess's brother knew, so he cut off all ties with the princess as the two guys were friends. He regretted it the moment he did though and just wanted to get her out of his head. Eventually she spoke to him again and his feelings for her resurfaced and he realised what he had to do. He went to get his girl, he hurt her though and she refused him at first but eventually she came to her senses and she went and found him, telling him how she feels about him. They kissed and well they lived happily ever after." 

I smile sleepily. "Not very creative I see, although I'm pretty sure it's the story of us." I mumble quietly. 

"I couldn't think of anything but of the story of us. You are of course the only thing on my mind." He tells me. That sounded all too cheesy, but adorable. 

Who knew player Leon Gibbens could be cheesy and adorable?

I let another yawn, feeling my body slowly shutting down. 

Leon says something but I don't hear him, what I do hear though is.

"Goodnight Princess, sweet dreams." 


I turn on my side as I feel my body slowly waking up. Of course I had a cheesy smile on my lips, it was one of the only nights that I had the best sleep, but it was also because I recalled the events from the night before.

I reach out for my phone on the bedside table but it's not there. I sit up sleepily and feel around the bed for it as I remembered I fell asleep talking to Leon, before feeling the hard square phone under my butt. I reach for it with a smile when I see it light up and a bunch of notifications pop up, mostly from Leon, a few from Avs, and one or two game notifications. 

I unlock the phone and check the notifications from Leon first. 

Good morning Princess. xx 

I smile as I read his cheesy messages but one specifically caught my eye. 

Sunday? Date at 10... I hope you're up for it. xx

I smile and tell him it's a date. 

Ava was messaging me asking if I was okay and why I wasn't at school, that's when I checked the time and it was a no brainer really. I was late for the first time in a long time.

And I really didn't really care. 



I hope you're enjoying the book so far! <3   

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