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In short, it's surreal. I'm in the middle of nowhere. I'm in the center of a crowed full off people that plan to shoot me the moment this is over as they blend into on dancing blur. The lights from the stage blare and shift in time with the music with one set on a golden belt in the center. In the mist of this chaos, there's her and I, kissing. But there's a reason I'm here, earlier today.


I sit in an empty desk meant for four in my calculus class. However, it's only me. I've only been at this school for about three weeks. I'm just happy that I moved over the summer so it's not obvious that I'm new. Actually, it's already apparent. Within those three weeks, I've practically alienated myself. Everyone else had their established groups while I kept to myself. That, changes today.

"What the hell am I suppose to do then?!" I hear a girl from the table beside mine. Her brown hair is messy but still looks properly done. Her eyes almost seem shrunk in but that could be from the vast amount of makeup on her face. Her clothing, consisting of worn jeans, a loose blouse, long boots, and several bracelets coating her arms, give off an artistic or hippie look.

The teacher shushes her from across the room but this doesn't keep her from whispering her displeasure.

"She can't just dip out on me the day of the informational." At this point, I try to tune her out and focus on my work.

The towering man across from her, with a gentle yet deep voice, tries to calm her down. "She just texted me. There's nothing you can do."

"But I'll be the only senior that isn't playing."

"Is there anything really bad about that?"

"Yeah, there is. So, I won't let it happen." She pauses for a second. "What's his name?"

"I don't know."

The conversation stops and I just continue shifting my gaze between the textbook and my paper. A loud noise across from me makes me tense up to keep myself from jumping up. I slowly look up and see the girl across from me. Her head rest on one of her hands as the other taps rhythmically on the desk.

"Hey, kid," she grins as if we've known each other for years. I don't answer as I'm hesitant to start the conversation. "What's your name?" I keep silent. "If you don't tell me then it'll just be 'kid.'"

I breathe in. "Daniel."

"Good to meet you, Danny-boy. I'm Becca. Or call me Rebecca. I prefer Becca." She lets her hand jolt out across the table. Cautiously, I shake it.

"What do you want?" I say hoping not to sound demanding but still hoping it's clear that I don't care for silly games.

"You're a quiet boy, Danny-boy."

"I just don't have a reason to talk."

"Listen," her goofy tone waters down a bit. "You're a senior, right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"I know this one party. The only thing is it's today and my friend canceled on me. What'll it take to get you to go with me?"

"I'm busy today. Sorry."

She looks down for a second before quickly taking my paper from under me. "With homework?" she asks. "Let me show you something." Becca then tears of one of the paper's corners and takes my pencil as well. "This," she says while still writing, "Is my address."

"I don't need it."

"Sure you don't." she tosses the pencil back. "But I need somebody to take me to the biggest senior party of the year."

"Why exactly do you want me to go with you?"

"Do you want me to be honest?" I nod. "I see behind the whole 'lone wolf' look you have going on. You're kinda cute, you don't seem to be a rapist or anything, and you're my only choice at the moment."

I pause for a second. Did she just say I'm cute although she only knew my name in the last few minutes? "Thanks, but I don't know if I can."

"Here," she hands me the ripped paper. I, driven more by curiosity than anything, take it. "Just promise me that you'll think about it."

"Fine, I'll think about it," I say as I'm worried that I'll just be the goof she fooled.

"Thanks, Danny-boy," she says as she jolts up and rushes behind me. She quickly drapes her arms behind me and gives a tight squeeze. She's still for a few seconds as I'm frozen in thought. The only thing that breaks it is the sound of the bell. Becca quickly grabs her bag from her table and walks out in a rush. She hollers back at me, "Pick me up around seven."

I just glance at the address as I slowly pack up my stuff as well.

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