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I look up at the ceiling fan. Becca and I are holding each other close under a thick comforter she got from her bedroom. It almost seems euphoric; her soft hair resting on my chest, her warm body next to mine, her in general.

"That was amazing," she says to break the silence.

"Yeah," I smile while leaning my head down to kiss her forehead. "It was great."

She's silent for a second. "Danny-boy," she begins softly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, you can, Becky-girl."

Her shoulders shift to let herself get closer to me. "You get so confident when it's just a few people around. At the peace party, you started to warm up and then just close off. You didn't talk the whole first month of school and we just slept together. What I'm asking is why you're such an amazing guy but shut yourself out?"

I can't think for a second. Becca's words are kind and her voice is sweet but it's just baffling. I decide to push it away. "I don't know. I just don't like big crowds."

"Bullshit," she giggles. Her smile is big and her wide eyes looking into mine. "I told you my story. What are the origins of Daniel Sewer?"

I take in a breath. "Almost two years ago, I was driving home with my best friend, Tye. Tye was at the wheel and we were talking about college, how were gonna change the world, and other crap like that. Next thing I know, a siren is behind us. A cop was chasing some guy in a black sports car. The guy had a gun and was shooting everywhere. I won't forget the look in Tye's eyes. They were so empty and lifeless."

Becca's eyes flood with empathy. I just continue on. "People felt bad at first. They kept asking if I was okay and how I was handling it. I just kept to myself and dealt with it alone. Soon, people started to talk. Some thought I was driving. Some thought we were drunk. Some thought Tye had a gun. They made us into the villains instead of the victims. Tye was like a brother to me and was the nicest guy you could ask for. Now, he's a common crook. I blamed myself for letting the two of us sink to that level. My parents decided I needed to get away so my dad found a job here. Thus, Daniel Sewer is in Concrete City."

"Daniel," she says while she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me close to her. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I whisper into her as I only now realize the tears starting to form.

"Well, I'm still gonna hold you. You know what's true and you know that I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Becca." We hold each other for another few minutes only to be interrupted by Becca's phone buzzing on the table. She looked up at me as if to ask me if it's okay. I just nod.

"Hello?" she says while picking it up and staying under the covers. "Hey, Josh. Yeah, he came at Daniel and me at the gas station. He had how much over him? One second. I'll call you later." She hangs up and jumps up to get a laptop from inside her backpack.

Curious, I sit up and watch her as she walks to my side with the computer in her lap. "What's going on?" I ask as she opens a window and types and selects a recent link.

"That guy I eliminated had bets on him." She pulls up a blog with a grey background and orange tabs saying Info, Players, Eliminated, Bets, Rules, and Forum. She clicks on Bets. She scrolls pass names of players and their photos until stopping at one. "Gregory Vincent: eliminated. Bets placed: five dollars, ten dollars, five dollars, twenty-five dollars. Total: forty-five. Claimed by Korse/Sewer." She jumps in her seat and bounces. "Fuck yeah," she shouts well clapping.

"What does that mean?"

"If a player has bets place on them and they get eliminated, the money transfers to whoever eliminated them. You and I just got forty-five bucks and the money will just keep doubling from here."

She then refreshes the page. Nothing has changed besides a new entry with the photo Tracy took of Becca and me at the peace party. I read it out loud. "Korse/Sewer: active. Eliminations: one. Bets placed: fifteen dollars. Total: sixty."

Becca jumps again. "That makes us one of the most valued teams. Not many have eliminated anyone yet and bets are scarce. We're some of the top dogs now! We did it, Danny-boy!" she squeals before pulling me into a quick energetic kiss. She then pulls away swiftly and says, "Time to bloat."

She then hits the Forum tab and a large messaging board appears. Some people have already talked about Gregory's elimination. Apparently, we're the only team to get someone eliminated and not be somebody overly popular or seen as likely to win.

-Greg's out already?! What happened?!

-How hell did this happen? I guess anything can happen in assassins.

-Apparently, he went down at the gas station.

-Does anyone know who Becca and Daniel are?

"Let's send a message, Danny-boy," Becca smirks while cracking her knuckles. She reads aloud as she types furiously on the keyboard.

"-Looks like you guys underestimated Sewer and I. We're playing to win! Good luck, fellas."

She hits send and the message appears as a new entry for all to see. "We make a good team, Daniel," she says without looking away from the screen. Her smile is so big and infectious that I can't help but imitate it.

"Yeah," I laugh as I wrap my arm behind her and have her lean on my side. "We do."

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