In the Background

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They moved so quickly. Scattering around the square, scurrying to their next destination like rats in a maze.

I wasn't like them. I was the cheese that the rats never got to. Unnoticed you could say.

My name is Naomi Barkley. I have what people would classify as a "camouflage appearance", big brown eyes and short brown hair that barely hung past my shoulders.

This was not really me, though. In reality, I have long, blonde hair with grey eyes.

Why am I dressed up as someone I'm not, you ask? The reason is for my job. I'm a CIA spy on the field to complete my objective. This objective just happens to be killing one evil man by the name of Jake Jacobins.

Scanning the area for threats, I continued down toward the dingy bus stop. Rain started to drizzle on my mud brown raincoat and I shivered.

"Excuse me," I chirped passing people on the way to the back of the bus.

Florida weather was so bipolar. One minute it would be pouring, and the next minute it would be as sunny as heck and nearly 90 degrees.

Getting off the bus I walked down the street to my apartment in the city of Wellington, Florida. It was nothing much, just a loft of 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. All I could afford until I was promoted hopefully next month after I completed my mission at hand.

I turned on my 32' tv to one of my favorite shows, Pretty Little Liars. I may be newly 21 years old, but I still enjoyed the thrilling show.

A knock rang through my door, and I jumped up out of my seat recognizing the nearest exit as my lower level window which would get me to the ground after about an 8 foot jump.

I grabbed my pistol from the side table near the door where I place my car keys.

I answer the door by quickly unlocking it then stepping back to aim in one quick motion. Addressing the person at the door I barked, "Hello?"

A high pitched squeal filled my ears immediately. Into my view came a scared, and scrawny blonde girl wearing way too much lipstick.

"Don't shoot, please!!" She squealed annoyingly. "I'm too pretty to die yet!!"

I sighed inwardly, relief filling my insides as I put down the gun. ,"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I demanded.

"Uh, I'm your new neighbor." She stated.

"Have a name, neighbor?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oops, sorry. My name is Kayla." She stuck out her bony wrist for me to shake. "And you are......"

"Naomi Barkley." I took her hand and shook it firmly. "Is that for me?" I questioned staring at the pie dropped on the ground beside the hinge of the green door.

"Yes," She replied smiling. "I hope you enjoy apples."

"I do, thank you." I looked at the pie she now held in her hands and took it.

"I'd say come in," I explained. "But it's still a mess in here."

"That's ok." She said. "Wait a second, is that PLL?!!" She exclaimed referring to the theme song playing in the background.

"Yea, it's my favorite show." I smiled slightly.

"Omg, same!!!" She yelled. "We totes have to watch it together. My fave character is Hannah. She's soo cool."

"I like Aria, actually. I'm still watching the third season right now." I confessed.

"Ooh, your gonna be on your toes. Well I better go. My dog still needs to be walked. I'll see you later Naomi." She waved good by e and returned to next door.

'What a weird girl.' I thought to myself.

When I returned inside, my cellphone went off playing the wonderful Michael Buble.

"Hello?" I answered.

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