Chapter Two

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"Have you payed him a visit yet?" My boss Mrs. Adams questioned me.

I quickly muted my television.

"No, I have the intel to start first thing tomorrow morning. I know his exact location will be at The Hilton Hotel," I stated.

"Good. This is a very important project Agent Barkley. I don't want to have to kill any more people than is needed," Mrs. Adams smoothly projected.

"Of course. I'll get back to you as soon as I am complete with phase 1," I told her.

"Alright. Goodbye Agent." She hung up.

I locked away the phone in my safe. I have 2 phones. One for personal use, and the other for work, which I had just used. This helps prevent our calls from being recorded, or our phones being tracked.

It was around 7 o clock by now, and I was starving. I opened the fridge and took out my leftover pizza from last night and ate it cold. (My microwave is yet to be found among my boxes of things).

While eating the delicious meal, I mentally went over my process for tomorrow: locate Jacobins's job, permanent home, and any relations with family or close friends.

I got off my bar stool and poured myself a cup of 1% milk and took a sip.

The sunset looked quite gorgeous out, but it still had nothing on the sunset up in Tennessee where my father lived alone. He had a quaint house tucked in the mountains, and at sunset the clouds were clear and striking blue and pink. Then, when the sun descended down, it would slowly disappear, the mountains hiding its beauty.

Exhausted from having to unpack today and the other 3 days since I have lived here, I retired to my queen sized bed. The comforter was black and purple; my two favorite colors.

Sleep was gifted upon me soon, as my eyelids shut and I faded to darkness.


The next morning, I woke up with a slight headache and was craving a cup of caffeinated coffee.

Slowly, I stood up to go to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair.

Trudging into the black and white kitchen, I used my new coffee maker that was one that used the cups to make coffee instead.

When it was done I took a few sips, and looked over the newspaper. According to it, there was a thunderstorm warning for the rest of the week, which was bad because it was only Tuesday. Also, the town festival was in 2 weeks. The last report was about a missing girl around the age of 13 who disappeared on her walk to school last Monday. I mentally and physically shivered. Being kidnapped was one of my worst fears by far.

Sneaking a glance at the clock, I noticed it was already about 9 o clock. I would need to be there in about 25 minutes, so I washed my coffee cup and put it in the dishwasher.

Quickly, I showered and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey tee with white Nikes. Then, I put in my contacts and attached my wig to my head. I put on a small amount of makeup, just enough to make my skin appear decent.

I locked away any of my valuables in my hidden safe, then locked the door and retreated to my black Honda Accord.

Driving, I glanced at my papers in the seat next to me. I needed to make sure I documented any discoveries I made about Jacobins today.

Pulling up into the extravagant hotel, I noticed a fair amount of people either here for an event or checked in themselves.

I parked my car up front for easier access in case of anything going wrong and a getaway being needed. Locking my car behind me, I approached the hotel's automatic doors and slipped inside.

I made my way over to the couch in the far corner unseen due to the fact that the lobby was definitely overcrowded.

The interior was stunning; a gold chandelier hung from the ceiling, the couches were fine black leather, and the floor a pristine white tile.

I took out the book I was currently rereading from my black leather purse. One of my favorite classic novels as a child, Of Mice and Men is a tale of two friends who have a dream of owning a farm someday and living off the land. This dream, however, is never fulfilled because one of the friends, Lennie, is schizophrenic and kills someone. His friend George then has to kill Lennie because he has done bad things before, and cannot keep having him do anything else. In my opinion, I believe that the novel should be apart of every school curriculum.

"Excu-cuse me, but I'm looking for t-the conference room," A drunk man wearing a white tuxedo asked the brunette at the reception desk. He was about 6'5" and had a suave and handsome look to him.

"Mr. Jacobins, I'm not sure that's a good idea in your current condition. Maybe you should head back up to your room,"The girl suggested.

"Don't t-tell my what to do," he shouted at her banging his fist on the hard, black granite counter. "I -I have a meet-ting in 5 minutes," he slurred checking his G-shock.

The woman behind the counter looked nothing less than frightened as she called security on Jacobins. "We have a situation concerning Mr. Jacobins at the front desk, he appears to be intoxicated again," she whispered into the receiver.

Mr. Jacobins was now making his way across the lobby to the colossal sized doors to the conference room which happened to be to the right of me. People were starting to stare at the scene in front of them. Almost tripping over the wood table, he looked at me. His blue eyes filled with hate and anger . Quickly, I turned the other way.

Two security guards came over to us from the elevator, and took Jacobins away. "Let me go, I ha-have to go t-to the meeting." He struggled from their grip, but could not escape.

This was my chance. I had to sneak up to his room now before he returned.

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