Part 2

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Part Two

Hermione Granger woke up to an orange cat licking her face.

‘Oh Crookshanks’ She said softly not knowing if anyone was up. She went into a crossed legged onto her bed.

It felt like a normal day at the burrow. A warm homey feeling waking up, normally she would go downstairs and have morning tea with everybody. Her home away from home, not that she could go back to her own home. So this was it.

Everything was so smooth and clam, you could just feel it in the air. She wandered to the window and peeked through the blinds. There along the side of the burrow was the huge set up.

Hermione twirled and landed with a small thud on her bed. It all seemed so perfect, nothing felt wrong, not a single thing.

Her face turned puzzled, funny. Things just don’t go perfectly in her life. In anyone’s life for that matter. It something did flow perfectly, wait, nothing went like that so no one would know the answer.

Urgently she ran over to her door and grabbed the dress bag. She took a deep breath, and unzipped it.

‘Ugh perfect!’ Hermione said sarcastically to herself, as she examined her white dress from the sweetheart top to the tiny white roses going from the waist down. Perfect one would say.

Gently she zipped up the bag and hung it back up. Than she turned to Crookshanks whose head was slightly tilted to the right, saying what now?

Hermione could do nothing but shrug her shoulders. If it wasn’t now than it had bound to be bigger.

Suddenly a loud crash came from down stairs. With out knowing she jumped from her spot and ran downstairs. She was almost about half way down when she heard a familiar voice.

‘Bloody Hell’

Shocked of her action she covered her eyes trying to hold in laugh. Just hearing his voice could make her smile touch her ears.

‘Ron, Hermione on the stairs’ Harry said. Knowing him, she could see his grin leaning back in his chair enjoying the free comedy. Harry became most relaxed and upbeat after the war; it was almost like a fresh start something he needed.

‘Oh, we’ve seem to have a problem’ Ron said cheerfully. ‘Cause I my’ dear need to go up them’

Hermione couldn’t keep it in anymore she burst into uncontrollable giggles. ‘You can’t! You’ll see me and that’s bad luck, you know that Ronald!” she protested.

Ronald, he loves it when she calls him that. It wasn’t like the way Mrs. Weasley always said it, which was more negative. Hermione was fun loving, warm and nice, no matter what mood she was in with him. 

‘I guess my eyes have to be covered than too’ he said covering his eyes (Harry guiding him to the steps). Slowly, he paced his way up the steps an occasional curse word and a stubbed toe, but that’s the price you have to pay.

The more he went up a step the louder the giggling got. The louder the laughing the closer he was to Hermione.

He reached out his hand when the laughing was the loudest. He was slowly moving his arm in a circle, nothing. Going by instinct he faced himself to where the wall and the stairs meet. Just one step closer and he could feel her soft face. Her laugh went ten times harder; he could listen to it for hours.

‘Oh’ He laughed turning his hand into a just a finger tracing her nose right to the tip. ‘We have a nose’

He spoke lightly, sending shivers down her spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2011 ⏰

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