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*The next week*
(You and Hayes are trying different wedding cakes)
Y: Babe I like this one it's a red velvet cheesecake😋
H:Really⁉️ You know those are my two favirote types of cake!
Y: Uh huh that's why I tried this. Come and try it.
H:Mkay (he walks over and try it)
OMG babe this is soo good we are undoubtedly having this at our wedding!!
Y:Thats fine with me,
H:Um Raquel we'd like this one please.
R:Okay and is that all?
R:Okay I'll put your order in. When will the date this need to be delivered on?
Y:On three weeks at the end of the month.
R:Okay I will have it delivered to your home at the end of the moth pleasure doing buisness with you.
H: Yes as always. Bye have a nice at Raquel.
*You and Hayes leave the store and go to your house to relax watch a movie and eat lunch*
Hayes jumps onto the couch and puts his arms around you and kisses you*
Y:So what movie you wanna watch?
*you both say at the exact same time*
"Shamrock bay"
H:K I'll make the popcorn you get the blankets and pillows.
*you grab the blankets and he gets he popcorn and you guys lay down and cuddle*
H:I love this movie!
H:I also really really love my wifey!
Y:Oh really and who's that?
H:You of course.
H:Yeah and.....
Y:Shhh the movies starting!!
H: Okay!  I still love you *he whispers into your ear*
Y:I know *you whisper back*
*you fell asleep during the movie and once he started to get up*
Y:Hayes don't leave just stay the night.
H:Okay. Well then you should probably go sleep in your bed.
Y:But I'm to tired.
H: Fine (he picks you up tucks you in and then snuggled up next to you and you fall asleep.
(You wake up and Hayes is gone so you get up and go to the bathroom then look around Hayes is cooking you breakfast and you go and suprise hug him)
H:Oh good morning babe.
H:How'd you sleep?
Y:Great. But I don't feel to well 😢
H:Oh babe you okay.
Y:Yeah I just need to....(you run to the bathroom and Hayes follows and you puke in the toilet) guess I'm sick.
H:Yeah you know what I'm gonna take of work today and stay home and take care if you today.
Y:No babe I can take care of myself you don have to do that.
H:Yes yes I do if you're gonna be my wife I have to take care of you.
Y:Okay fine. (You smile and he picks you up and puts you in your bed then brings you breakfast. The while day you sit and watch movies)
*The Next Week*
(You and Hayes are looking up recipes and foods to have at the wedding).
H:Oooh this looks good😋😋
Y:What is it?
H:Pad Thai.
Y:Opooh that does sound good😋😋😋😋
H:Yeah do you wanna try it?
H:Okay well go to this Thai place called the Thai Bistro and get some there.
Y:k let's go then.
H:K (you guys go and both order the Pad Thai it was so good you decided to have it prefers for the wedding)

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