1 Happy Farewell

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*ding-dongg  ding-donggg*

"Ayeah I'm coming!!" I holler as I support myself to jog a bit. Seriously to be honest, it has been like almost two months I don't run. Huh hehe, such a lazy one...

As I open the door, there reveals MinAh, DaeHyun, and TaeKwang, my three best friends. They're always here when I need them. They will always listen to my stories and complains, support me and cheer me up, and loyal to every one of us. I seriously know that i don't deserve them, but what, fate says and that's it!  "Come in guys, my house is always welcome for you guys..." "Omo EunHye, you packed a lot!" chirps MinAh. "I'll be staying there for a kinda long time, so yea.." I retort as patting her back. She huff a puff as I intertwine fingers with her and, "MinAh i think i need to talk you personally." I can see from my peripheral vision that she's shock and her big round eyes pop out even bigger, as the size of saucers, but she always manage to look calm. That's so MinAh  I thought.

"So what is about? I sense your face isn't that comfortable so, i guess you need time maybe..." she trilled of. "I know MinAh (start to sob), it's my hardest challenge to leave ya guys, especially you MinAh behind. I'm really sorry, i need to achieve my father's dream. I'm so sorry once again..." I cried harder as MinAh embrace me. We're like sisters already, we're friends since grade school. "But, now, the main thing i want you to know is that, (clears throat), I'll be leaving this house empty for a few years, so may ask you to occupy this house as long as I'm in Seoul? Will you?" "Oh, I would love to seriously EunHye! Why dont you tell me from last time? I was wondering about that too!" I continue giggling while looking at how childish she is right now. "Then how about DaeHyun and TaeKwang? Will they live with, me?" "It's up to you MinAh, as long as they don't do such things, and you feel secure around them then it's fine. But please guard this house very well cause you know, it's my only memorable thing from my parents..." I started to sob again. MinAh embraces me for the ninth time today. After minutes of chatting, we finally comeback to where the farewell party was.

"Hey you guys, where have you been? What took you so long uh?" beams TaeKwang continued by DaeHyun, whos laughing nonchalantly. "No, we're just talking about general girl's pep talk." "Ahahaha! Are you including those monthly stuff??" TaeKwang tort off as he got a hard smack on his head. "Don't be such a pervert!" says DaeHyun.

Fastfoward >>

"Okay bye guys, it's late already. I think you guys should go back home or not, your parents will beat you up..." I said, ending the party. "Why should we? We're big and mature enough to take care ourself!" TaeKwang pouts. "Stop aegyo-ing! You look awful with that! What mature? You're still a pervert after all, is that what you call as a mature boy?" DaeHyun tort back. "Shut up! I'm trying to over come it okay so, its hard..." TaeKwang sighs. MinAh only giggles and, "EunHye, may we at least, stay in your house tonight?" she beams with sparkling eyes, i can't resist it. "Sure! Am i that fool, ive never think about that before.... And you two boys are welcome to as long as you ask your pareents permission and they say okay. Plus, use your own clothes okay, nah borrowing thingy this time." "Okay, got your command sir!" TaeKwang torts. "Shut up, lets go!" as DaeHyun drags TaeKwang out.

"So you'll be leaving tomorrow?" MinAh suddenly breaks the ice. "Hmm..." I nod. "What makes you so aiming your dad's dream? Isn't it funer to try to reach your own dreams?" "That's not the reason MinAh. Since my mom was death, it's was when i was 11, and appa goes to Seoul to find a good job to pay my fees and living, ive promise myself to reayxh my appa's dream. Because i can't reach my mom's dream, so I'll reach my dad's dream, as a pay back to make him happy." I sob out loud. "Shusshh, don't try for what you've planned since little. I understand, I'll keep supporting you in any condition. I promise EunHye." she end it with a solemn yet cheerful smile. I smile back at her, "I won't let you down!" I chirp. "That's the real EunHye ive always wanna see." "Yah, stop it! Lets go to sleep before its late." "Btw EunHye, i must admit that you're a strong person! You've passed through all the hardships that mustn't be in your age. You're much more mature than you really are, so i guess that's one of God's preparation of your departure to Seoul..." I beam a smile as MinAh clarify all of it. "Thanks a lot for your unending support!" I tort back. "Welcome EunHye, nite btw.." "Ayeah, nite too!" The start of my new world is tomorrow! Yeah, finally its my time to fly my wings off DaeGu. Goodbye DaeGu and Hello Seoul...

The morning sunshine kiss my cheeks, the fresh summer breeze greet me, and the sound of the boys preparing breakfast meets my ear. It's a great and pleasant morning, i don't wanna leave DaeGu, especially them. God, why give me this hardest challenge? "EunHye, Morning! You're awake!! You've been snoring the whole night ya know!" MinAh chirps. "Jinjja? Sorry if i made you stay up all night long.." I scratch my left foot because it's itchy, what again if it's not itchy? "Come on let's go down! The boys are preparing breakfast for us." "Eh? You told them or...." "Nahh, they just wanna do it they said. They did for you they said. Well, ive never seen they're that cheesy..." We both laugh as we head downstairs.

"Bye EunHye!! I'll be seriously missing you! Make sure to spend your holiday here, in DaeGu!!" says MinAh as her eyes form happy and sad tears all at once. The boys are there also, saying goodbyes and giving me tight embraces. "I make sure that MinAh. And you DaeHyun and TaeKwang, take her the best care. Or else, you'll be under my control!" I summons, leaving a laughter behind it. "Dont ever forget me EunHye, we're friends till now and then. Don't forget me even though you've find great and rich friends there..." MinAh says. "And don't forget both of us too EunHye, even if you've met handsome and rich boys there." "Surely i won't Prince DaeHyun..." We chuckle softly at my very dry humor.


A/N: It took a quite long time to write this... You find so many things here rite? I'll put many more secrets and infos in the next chaps. Just stay tuned!! Btw, hows it? Should i start to write in other's POV? Dont forget to vote and comment!! Bless ya all!!!

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