Chapter Four- Jashin is Law

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Hey! Thanks for reading and to anyone who's voted/commented/added me to your reading list. Thank ye! Now, because Hidan is the boss, he's telling me I should hurry up and introduce the chapter.

Here's chapter 4, and please enjoy and let me know your thoughts! :)

Chapter 4- Jashin is Law

It had been weeks since his last ritual, and Hidan’s thirst for destruction was increasing every minute. The incident at the dango shop had been the last time either one of them had seen any people; straying off the beaten track was the best thing to do given his status as a missing nin. Having nothing interesting to do made him think about Jashin more, but it also made him think about Mia more.

She’d said she wasn’t interested in trying to stop him being a Jashinist, just that she’d follow him to make his life less boring. What kind of motivation was that, anyway? Nothing fazed her at all. It was shocking that all that resistance could be packed up into a girl so small in stature.

Speaking of stature… He shook his head, admonishing himself for even having thoughts along those lines.

“So,” Mia said, “Where now?”

“I’ve got to meet with other Jashinists. I was missing for a while, so…”

“So you have to let them know your whereabouts?”

“Sort of. Now will you shut up already?”

“Never!” she sang, and skipped on ahead, her hair dancing in the breeze.

“Every time we speak, you go ahead yelling and throwing yourself around the place like a maniac.”

“Hidan! That’s what happens every time you fight!”

He frowned in annoyance and they continued their journey with Hidan in a stony silence. He watched Mia bound in front with seemingly ceaseless energy. It was so difficult to keep an eye on her, as well. He’d gathered that she was highly curious, since every time she saw something odd, a thorough investigation was required at once, making him stand and wait.

Was it right to be thinking this, though? It was her curiosity that had saved his skin. As soon as he caught himself feeling even the slightest form of regret, he willed it away and continued gracing the world with his habitual scowl.

Jashinists normally met in secret places, away from possible human discovery, and in small, select groups. Together they regularly conducted experiments with immortality, and ways to sustain their own lives, all that while thinking of better ways to kill people. Hidan was the result of such an experiment. Plucked fresh out of his hopeless village, he was young ,fit, extremely powerful, and angry with the world; the perfect subject. It was the place where he had first met them that he and Mia were going today.

Long gone were the forested areas, and the thick undergrowth, because the further away from the Fire Country they got, the more arid and unsettled the wastelands became.

“Where are we now? I think a sandstorm’s coming,” Mia said, squinting.

“The Wind Country,” he said through the gusts. “Two more hours and we’ll be at the place.”

“Good. I have sand in my mouth!”

Hidan looked over his shoulder at the trailing girl, who dragged her feet and had blue marks under her eyes. Her river of hair was swept back by the wind; it looked like the wind would blow her body over, too. They were very close now, at least. He put his hand out to signal for her to stop.

“What is it, Hidan?”

“We’re here.”


He sighed, but said nothing more. She probably couldn’t sense that, through the haze of the sandstorm, several figures were approaching, having clearly known he was coming. He hated checking in on them. As much of a believer he was, but these people were pathetic. It was their need for power that created him.

“Hey,” he shouted at them, “Just thought I’d let you know I am still alive. I was incapacitated for a while, but don’t worry, your stupid experiment is still here. You didn’t fail.”

“Anyone would think you dislike the gift we gave you,” one of them replied.

“I can decapitate and destroy forever, thanks to you and Jashin.” His voice had a slightly strained bravado that he hoped no one noticed. Mia shrunk closer to him.

“Good. Lord Jashin will be very happy. Now I can see the girl with you. Who’s that one? Keeping the torture victims as pets, are you?”


“Don’t tell me Hidan’s lost his heart to a non-believer?” someone else jeered.

Hidan swore loudly. “Shut the hell up. She doesn’t matter to me at all,” he laughed. “I’m sick of babysitting, but I can get rid of her, so I let her tag along.”

He glanced back at Mia, and immediately that uncomfortable feeling of regret welled up inside his unfeeling body. His heart rate quickened, so he dug his nails into his other arm, drawing blood and concentrating on that sweet, sweet pain instead. Her bottom lip trembled.

“Well Hidan, at least we know you’re alive. Nevertheless, anything less that decimation is a sin. Kill the girl soon… or…”

“You’ll kill me? Ah, come on. You know you can’t do that.”

“We know how to reverse the spell, Hidan. I hope you know that. I don’t want to have to do it, but if the time comes, we will. We’re still looking for ways to make you completely immortal, but if you keep disobeying, we will terminate the experiment. Think carefully about where you go from here.”

Later on that day, the two had finally reached calm ground. Small patches of parched grass were beginning to appear in the landscape, indicating that they were making good headway towards civilisation, but no location in particular. Wandering travellers, indeed.

“Hidan,” Mia said, sniffing, “Do you hate me?”

He seized up. “Aw geez, don’t cry, you little brat!”

“Answer my question.”

“Stop being so depressing. Just smile already, will you? You always do.”

“I saw you with your people earlier… you turned into someone different. You looked hurt, and bloodthirsty.”

“I’m always bloodthirsty.”

“But you looked hurt, too. Hidan, do you really want to be immortal?”

“Shut the hell up and walk.”

Why was she being so irritating? She made him think about the fundamental parts of his existence. He hated people like that. But what he hated more was these horrible, unfamiliar feelings inside him. He found himself thinking of his old village, what he used to do there, those people that he long ago called his family.

He grunted some other insult, and turned to face ahead and ignore her in a stony silence. He couldn’t see the dejected face of the girl behind him. 

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