Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Josh pov

"So you going to tell me where we're going?" Porcelain chuckled "nope, and keep your eyes shut" i smiled "im going to end up falling asleep" she giggled "dont fall asleep, we're almost there" i laughed as i pulled up infront of the studio "i feel like im about to get killed" she smirked "shit you know my plan" i chuckled and got out of the car walking around to her side. "Dont open your eyes" i smiled and she unbuckled and i gave her a hand out of the car "when can i open my eyes?" She giggled "right... Now" i smiled and stood behind her. She opened her eyes and gave me a confused look "604 records? What are we doing here" she chuckled and turned to me "i wanna show you somthing" i smiled taking her hand and walking into the studio.

I led her into the studio "make yourself at home" i smiled, she smirked and sat on one of the beanbag chairs (a/n as you can tell from other fanfics i write. I really like beanbag chairs) "ill be right back" i ran out of the room into the next room to grab my guitar. When i walked back into the room i hear porcelain quietly singing to herself. I shut the door and she looked up at me and stopped singing "keep going" i smirked "nah im good i rather not harm anyone with my voice" she smirked back "harm?" I chuckled "yup, its like stepping on a cat while dragging your nails on a chalk board" she laughed "no it isnt, you have a beautiful voice" i smiled and went to sit on the beanbag chair beside her but i turned to face her. "Thanks" she looked down at her lap. "What song were you singing?" I asked "heart attack by demi lovato" she smiled back up at me "i think ive heard that song once or twice" i smiled and we sat there in silence for a few minutes. "So whats with the guitar?" Porcelain spoke up "oh right! I wanted to show you a song" i smiled "should i be scared" she chuckled "yes, be very afraid" i smirked and started to strum the chords to good to you, porcelain smiled. Once it got to jessica lee's part porcelain was singing along so i slowly died down so i could hear her. She noticed what i was doing but didnt stop singing.

"How do you remember all the lyrics" i chuckled "i heard it last night and ive heard it once or twice on the radio and from liz, i also remember lyrics really fast" she explained "ohhh" i nodded understanding. "Yeah" she smiled "porcelain" i looked her in the eyes "josh?" She giggled slightly while raising an eyebrow "will you be my girlfriend?" I asked "thought you were dating hannah montanna" porcelain winked "so is that a yes" i smiled and she nodded. I smiled even bigger and leaned in and kissed her. "Hey jos- kissing a girl um bye" me and porcelain broke apart and i turned to see jessica lee "hey arent you jessica lee?" Porcelain smiled "yeah i am" jessice smiled "you know who jessica is but not who marianas trench was" i looked at her confused "i got carried away as a gift from liz and i do know your band" she smirked "now you do considering last night" i chuckled "see now i can say i know who marianas trench is" porcelain giggled "wow you knew about me before mt" jessica laughed "yeah i did" porcelain smiled "whats your fav song off the album?" Jessica asked "umm it would have to be boomerang or wrecking ball" porcelain smiled

*hey guys, i know jessica lees album wouldnt have been out around this time, but i love it and i wanted to include it in here. Also, do you think this is moving to fast? Idek. Anymore lol


Douchey Fuck

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