Caitlyn P.O.V
I'm so bored I can't believe I'm here in my room just lying here I need to get out and go somewhere.ugh I just want to leave or for something exiting to happen.
Just as I said that my phone rang.
"Hello" I said a little aggravated.
"Hi mam is anyway there is the person by the name of Terrance."
"Um no and why are you laughing as if something was so funny,I didn't realize asking someone a stupid question can be so funny" I said.
"Oh well I'm sorry we just called some random number just to prank call someone and you sound like you are having a bad day,if you don't mind if I asked what's wrong, I don't like to hear people or see them sad or mad."
He sounded like he had a British accent and it sounded very familiar but I just couldn't figure it out.
"Well I'm so bored and my boyfriend broke up with me after every thing we have been through, I can't believe he would do this to me, ugh I'm so mad."
"Well no need to take it out on me, hey I haven't gotten your name yet." The mysterious guy said.
"Um I want you to tell me first." I said
I heard a chuckling sound on the other side, why was he always laughing at me.
"Oh you are really cute aren't you, well my name is Harry Styles by the way." He said.
Oh that's where I remember him from.How can I be so dumb ugh of course I should have known, well at the same time how was I suppose to know that Harry Styles was going to call me today.
"Oh well that's cool my name is Caitlyn Ruiz." I said
"That's a beautiful name so I know I just started talking to you but you seem like a really cool girl you seem interesting." He said. I could hear the smirk in his tone of voice.
"Thank you so much and you seem interesting too."I said
"Um if you don't mind me asking but where do you live." He asked
"For what is Mr. Styles going to stalk me." I said jokingly.
"Oh you really are a funny girl." He said while laughing.
Once he was done laughing at my not so funny joke he continued to talk.
"No it's just because we are going on tour and I wanted to invite you to one of our concerts for free." He said rather to exited.
"Um ok I live in the best city ever, just kidding I live in New York." I said.
"well okay then i guess i will be seeing you at Madison Square Garden" he said
"okay but wait i don't have the ticket to go to the concert and i don't know what time to be there so how am I suppose to go." i said
"Okay so what's your address so that i can pick you up,and be ready at 6:30 on it's on Saturday June 8." he said
"OMG really my birthday is June 8,and sure so my address is 111west 110 apt 5H its a big glass building right next to central park you wont miss it, and what's today i'm sorry it's just i lost track of the days now."i said
"well umm thank you and today is Friday June 7, so remember that it's tommorow."he said
"Oh shit really have i been that out of it OMG, at least this would keep my mind off of things because i really need a break to think and enjoy myself sometimes."I said
"well I know what you have been thinkng about since you told me and yeah I think it's a good idea for you." He said
"Ugh yeah i just want to have fun but have fun with someone by my you." I said
"Awwww well we just checked into our hotel room's would you like me to pick you up now so that we can get to know each other better and you know if you want to get a new outfit for know i'm just making suggestion's."He said
"Of course how about we go to Starbucks together I love to go there and then we can go shopping in Forever 21 if you would like to come with me." i said
"yeah so i'll go now to pick you up,bye"He said
Well this happened fast wow my prayers have been answered finally something happens to me and it's good.
I went to take a quick shower.When I got out i just wrapped my hair and started to get dress.I got dress in a cute mint green dress that was up to my mid thigh and had lace in the back with my white converse i love having something fancy and cosy at the same time.
I got a call from my best friend and I know it's her because of the picture i have for her>>>>>>ON THE SIDE.
"Hey British what's up."
"Oh nothing, so what's up."
"Nothing I'm just here about to go out."
"I heard that you broke up with Ryan I'm sorry."
"Oh it's ok British, it's my fault for liking that ass hole."I said
"Well Cat I don't want to keep you long if you need anything call me."
"Wait British before you hang up umm I have an extra ticket to a One Direction concert do you want to go?."
"Omg are you serious of course I want to I can't wait to see zayn."she said(she is my friend Britney but I call her British I don't know why but yeah and she loves zayn any way back to the story).
"Great and are you dressed?, because today Harry Styles called me because he was prank calling someone then I started to talk to him about Ryan,and he thought I was funny and gave me tickets ow and he is on his way so come." I said
"Let's call Chris too."
"Yeah but can you call her Harry is going to be here any minute so,so hurry up so you can come."
"I'm already here."
Knock, knock knock.
"Coming, lol I just said coming."
"You are so weird Cat."
"I know but you know you love it."
"Hey guuurrrrlllll." I said
"So where is he-my phone interrupted what she was going to say.
"Hi it's Harry are you ready to go."
"Yuparoni,umm do you mind if my friend comes she was Lonely and I forgot to tell you I live with her and we go everywhere together."
"Yeah sure I don't mind,and the same thing happened to me umm zayn was alone because perrie broke up with him."(I love perrie it's just my friend told me to put her in the fan fiction so yeah.)
"Oh I'm so sorry but I don't mind I know for sure that British does not mind."
"Okay we're going down."

It started with a call
FanfictionThis ordinary girl breaks up with her boyfriend of two years and just want something worth living for to happen to her. but what happens when a mysterious person calls her will it change her life for the better,or for the worse?