final resting place ch 1 dead inside

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welcome to the actual start of my book final resting place hope you enjoy now lets go to the eyes of jason ray. oh my god jesus no jesus NO JESUS NO my best friend gone why why just WHY DONT YOU ANSWER ME danmit why i sat crying while brianna drove the truck we left everyone else we left them defensless god were terrible people we left tons of people men woman and children dead and defensless. listen jason im sorry about jesus. its fine the jesus i knew would never work with dan.also we never talked about ashley. i dont want to its something i want to forget i love her but shes gone we cant change that we can only change how we live and how we survive. jason are are we gonna die. no no we will live after all we know where to go. but jesus said all the docks are hoarded. and we got weapons i smiled creepily and looked at the stacks of weapons. no no no no jason i cant do this i cant kill someone. well youll have to but we need more people. And how may i ask in hell we get these survivors. me and my friend luis made a bunker and underground tunnels with our friends its stocked up so its fine to stay but we need to escape lets go. where is it? she asked back at my house she knew i was sad and rather die than go back because i shot my mom theyre its also two blocks from where ashley died. ok so about twelve miles north. yep were on the road again so on the way to chicago we picked up this kid named gerson jacinto and his little sister and brother 7 and 5. i said why this is where she died brianna said reluctant to go. i know i...i just have to so i entered the house all the zombies cleared and i saw the most unexpected thing ashley ashley my little sister sitting theyre alive hiding in the cabinet. holy shit holy shit ashley how i....i saw your your body. no bruber thats a kitty. oh my god ive missed you ive missed you so much dont ever do that again the cat had blond hair and the bear was near her. i have a suprise ashley TEDDY TEDDY TEDDY YAY teddy fank you bruber. your welcome lets go. ok bruber where brana. shes in the truck outside lets go i said reluctant to get out of there. a twuck yes ashley a twuck ha i said laughing inside for no reason. so we headed towards the truck and we headed towards my house (apartment whatever) and god how i didnt want to go. we saw a soveit bear on unicycle (no steryotipicalnis involved) and then it was eaten by japanese school girl. After our attempt to get to my house which ended sucsessful i soon grabbed my weapon and broke the door of the enterance to the apartment i relized the that this place i used to call home was a hellish type area scarce of the usual people the voices of happy familys now gone filled with these rotting pieces shit i was trying to get passed it pushing passed all the walking corpeses i could without vomiting due to the smell of rotting flesh and the screaches of once alive people friends crawling drenched in their own blood and organs,no longer my friends now just more of the walking parasites just like everyone else. I was running for the exit at the back of the first floor i was now pressured to shoot and waste precious ammunition on these corpeses i soon pinned my self to the wall yelling for brianna telling her "GRAB ASHLEY" now unloading hundreds of rounds at a time into these bastards once again yelling "DAMMIT BRIANNA GRAB ASHLEY AND GO" now losing ammo fast tempted to use a knife now i was bolting for brianna and grabing ashley i had ashley in one hand and a knife in the other i quickly tossed the gun to brianna and she said "I CAN'T USE A GUN" she said i then yelled "WELL YOU'RE GOING TO LEARN TODAY" now the safe house door being opened ashley breaking out in tears i gave her to my friend at the door and brianna tossed me the gun and ran inside before i left i blanked out and made a blur of bullets tearing up the room and corpeses as well luckly before i could be eaten they pulled me in and sealed up the door tight now with the sreaches of the dammed behind us pounding on the door i stormed away from the group sweating and shaking scared not understanding what i just did brianna said "ARE YOU OKAY JASSON?i quickly reacted with I'M FINE she said it it again and then i yelled "I'M FINE GODDAMMIT" i was pushing them away i wasnt me anymore i was a blood thirsty monster ready for its next move.

final resting place descent into madnessWhere stories live. Discover now