Chapter 2

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I was so scared I felt sick in my stomach,then suddenly the old lady started the o walk to me. I ran around her in a semi circle I started to run I looked behind me and something strange was happening the old lady just stood there. I looked around wondering what was happening I turned around around and continue it walk then there was a shadow of me and could only mean one thing, the beanie light up. The town froze for a second and turned around walking to me I felt something bad was about to happen, the town started to walk like zombies and looked as scary as real life zombies. I felt very sick I fell down on the ground I didn't know what was happening. I tried to lift myself back up and I fall back down I tried again I got up but as soon as I got up the towns people were like 15 meters away from me I didn't know what to do. I waked as fast as I could but then I fell back down on the grown.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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