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Heyo rebels
Long time no see, but this might be disappointing because the rewrite is going to be on May. I'll be rewriting it on a CampNaNo month in April, so please wait patiently.
While in the meantime, I'll be joining NaNoWriMo this year.

What is NaNoWriMo?
NaNoWriMo is Nation November Writing Month for short. During this month of November, participants need to write 50000 words to win. Winning? Is there any prizes?
TBH, there is none but a happy feeling in your heart that you actually written 50000 words!
For young writers under the age of 13, joining The Young Writers Program is the right thing for you! There is no limits but your own word count!
I really want my readers to join in this program with me, embark on a journey of writing!

And my offering is writing a fanfic I've been planning for weeks. It's called
Paths Beyond Believix: Fantasix
If you know what Believix is, it's a Winx Club Fanfic
I have the first chapter up and going, so please read it.
Thanks rebels!

Blaze Queen           (Frozen/Ever After High)Where stories live. Discover now