Carla Finally Sees Sense

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"I found love where it wasn't supposed to be,
right in front of me,
talk some sense to me."
~Amber Run, I Found.

Nick sat at a table as the music was blaring around him. He stared deep into the glass of champagne, which was weird as champagne is a celebratory drink and he was definitely not celebrating anything. His thoughts were interrupted when Michelle came over.
"You alright there Nick?" Michelle asked.
"Yeah, um... Yeah I was just miles away." He replied while straightening himself up. He didn't want to act suspicious in any way.
"Come on, come dance with me." She commanded. Nick grabbed her offering hand and got out of his seat. It was a slow song and Carla was dancing with her brother Rob and Peter was sitting down, not looking too well. Nick placed his hands on Michelle's back as she placed her arms on his shoulders, the same position him and Carla were in the night before. Carla watched Nick dance with Chelle over Rob's shoulder, although she thought nothing of it she felt a little jealous. Michelle is with Steve but Steve is not the slow dance kind of guy. Carla stopped dancing with Rob and walked towards Michelle and Nick.
"Hey, can I dance with my new business partner please?" Carla asked.
"Yeah, I'll go dance with Rob." Michelle said grabbing Nick's hand and placing it in Carla's. Nick awkwardly placed one hand on her waist as she placed one on his shoulder. Nick gently grabbed Carla's other hand and they danced. Carla's heart started racing as she felt close to his body.
"Where's your vale gone?" Nick asked while smiling.
"I took it off, it was starting to irritate me." Carla smiled too, but that smile soon left her as she thought of the night before. Silence floated between them as they held each other.
"I'm so sorry Nick." She whispered in his ear as she rested her head on his shoulder. "For kissing you last night." She said quieter in hopes no one would hear.
"It's okay Carla. Our secret is safe with me." Nick swallowed deeply, he held her tighter and closer to him as did she. He didn't want to let go of her and she didn't want to let go of him. They loved each other's company, and they loved being with each other but they couldn't do anything about it now. "Should we go get a drink and talk about everything that happened?" Nick whispered.
"I think that'd be good." Carla said smoothly, as if she was falling asleep on Nick's shoulder. She pulled away from Nick and she grabbed his hand.
"Where's Peter gone?" Nick wondered as Peter was no where to be seen.
"Oh, he went upstairs to bed not long ago. He wasn't feeling well at all." Carla replied. With Nick's hand in hers, she pulled him towards the bar.
Carla sat down and Nick sat opposite her. The barman brought over two champagne glasses and the pair gulped them down like there was no tomorrow.
"So, why did you kiss me?" Nick asked awkwardly and quietly. He really wanted to know why.
"I... I don't really know. But I am really sorry about it Nick, really, I am." Carla replied.
"And, why do you feel the need to apologize? It's okay Carla, no one else will know." Nick assured Carla heard these words. He placed his hand on hers and stroked her thumb with his thumb. Carla stared at him and she knew exactly why she kissed him. She just won't admit to it.
"You know what Nick, I'm gonna call it a night and go see if Peter is alright. I'll see you tomorrow?" Carla said as she felt awkward and didn't want to make another pass at him. She got out of her seat and walked out of the hall. Nick watched her walk away and he felt heart broken knowing that she's going to see her husband... and that's the way it will always be.

Nick stayed at the party as he didn't feel like going back to his room and spend the night alone. At this time, he was surrounded by some of Carla's clients and some of the factory workers. Michelle and Maria had also gone back to their assigned hotel room that Carla and Peter had payed for as the wedding ceremony itself was a long distance from home and people were able to drink without having to worry about the drive home. Nick stayed and watched people dance and talk and enjoy, whereas he was drowning his sorrows. That was until he spotted Carla's vale on one of the chairs next to him. He felt the need to take it to Carla but she was probably asleep or up to something else with Peter and no one else Nick knew well enough to give it to. He decided to try and return it to Carla himself.
He walked upstairs to the honeymoon sweet and knocked loudly. Carla answered almost immediately, still fully dressed in her big white gown.
"Oh, alright Nick?" She asked, wondering what he was doing. Nick was speechless, her beauty silenced him. It's like he didn't see her downstairs at all, she just looked more gorgeous than ever.
"Nick?" Carla tried once more to get an answer out of him.
"Oh uh, sorry Carla." Nick laughed. "You just look absolutely gorgeous." He said uncontrollably. Carla's eyebrows raised as she grabbed the sides of her dress and tilted from side to side.
"Why thank you, Nicky. But don't I always?" Carla joked. Nick didn't say anything he just laughed and nodded slightly as he looked her up and down.
"Where's the groom?" Nick asked.
"Asleep." Carla replied. She didn't seem to care where Peter was.
Silence fell between the pair as they just stared into each other's eyes. Nick decided to break the silence.
"I just came to return this to the lovely bride." Nick joked as he held up Carla's vale.
"Aw thank you Nick! I was wondering where this had got to." She took the vale off of him and she looked at him once more. She suddenly wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Nick... for everything." Carla said closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder. Nick sighed deeply at the thought of them never getting any further than just a friendly hug and he hugged her tightly. "Really thank you. My business would be down the drain right now if it wasn't for you, and you're also such a great friend." She added. Nick appreciated the fact that to her he was a 'great friend' but it was still not enough for him.
"Anytime Carla. If you ever need me, I'll be here for you." Nick assured.  He stroked her back and decided to leave the conversation there. "I'm gonna go." Nick said as he let go of Carla and walked down the hall way. He didn't even look at her before he left. He just left. Carla watched him as he walked away. She felt like nothing. Once he was gone, she was gone. She knew she felt something when she was with him.

Nick lay on his bed in a navy blue t-shirt and boxers. He was watching football, trying to keep Carla off of his mind. Suddenly he heard a knock at his door. He was wondering who it was at 12 o'clock midnight as he wasn't expecting anyone. He got up effortlessly and dragged himself towards the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw her, Carla looking as nervous as ever waiting outside of his room. He opened the door and Carla came straight into his room, still in her wedding dress. Nick shut the door behind her.
"Nick." Carla begins. "I can't get you out of my head. No matter what I do I just can't."
"Carla, don't do this to yourself. You just got married." Nick made it clear.
"I know Nick, I was there. But I don't want to be with Peter. I want to be with you and I know you feel the same way." Carla ended. She walked closer to Nick and placed a hand on the back of his neck. " I know you do."
She brought her body closer to his. Nick reciprocated and placed his hands on her sides, holding and pulling her body closer to his. They were both breathing heavily as they just looked at each other. They were both focusing on each other's eyes and lips. They both suddenly crashed lips and felt each other's love once again. This was the moment that the pair craved so badly. Their breathing became heavier and heavier between kisses as the kiss became heated and passionate very quickly. She smiled as she kissed him. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her deeply. With their lips still locked together, Nick walked with Carla as he pushed her into a table, causing the remaining wine glasses to fall off of the table and to smash on the floor. Neither Carla not Nick took notice to the shattered glass on the floor. He lifted her up and sat her down. Nick kissed Carla's neck as he felt Carla's hands rushed down to his lower back. Her fingers curled underneath his shirt and brought it above his head. Carla shivered as she felt Nick's hands glide over her spine, they stopped once the reached the zip of the dress. Instead of doing the most sensible thing, Nick grabbed both sides of the dress and ripped the back of the dress in half. They had no time for sensible. A breath emitted from Carla's lips as she felt the basque become loose around her body. The need for each other's love was stronger than ever. Nick pulled Carla's dress away from her body, exposing her slim figure. Nick kissed her neck as he lifted her small body in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and she leaned her head back as she felt his soft lips against her bare skin. He carried her to the bed and dropped her onto it gently as he fell on top of her body. The two shared a night that they will always remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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