Chapter 1

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A/N Her parents are famous, but no one knows about her. She's the daughter of Shelby Brice. She got Mandy Love from when she and parents when to a farming area to play a gig a few miles away from the farmland. Farmers let them craft leather and imprint them.She decided to make a key chain. She started to put Amanda Brice (her real name), but she found a imprint of Love in cursive so she decided to use that instead of Brice. The key chain said Amanda Love. Since she alway been called Mandy. She had been called Mandy Love ever since.


Mandy's point of view

"Mom, please," I pleaded. "No Mandy. I dont feel it's safe. What if someone finds out about you," Mom disagreed.

          "Shelbs let the girl go to school," Dad defended.

            "Mom, you only told your band about me and made them SWEAR to secrecy. No one even knows you have a daughter. Plus you don't even play anymore. We just bought this new house 2 months ago. Mom please. I want to be like every one else. Please mom. Please." I said sobbing so quietly you would have to look at my face to notice.

"Fine I cave. Your going to pubic school. And you're coming back as soon as school ends. Don't go to anyones house without permission.You got it." Mom said. I jumped and hunged her and dad.

       School years start in 1 week. I need supplies. I got $30 bucks. I dont think that's nearly enough for new outfits and school supplies. "Mom can I get a few 10's or 20's for forever 21." i asked "Sure." Mom said and handed me 60 bucks."Thank you." I said as kissed her on the cheek.

          I got my purse and headed out to my red BMW. I went to Forever 21 and got the cutest outfits ever.

Next week will be the best ever.

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