Prologue - The Girl

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Korse threw his fists against the hard concrete wall in anger, letting out an aggressive scream. If you couldn't see what was currently going on, one would think the exterminator was being tortured. However, Korse was not being tortured, for he was the one torturing.

Well, 'torturing', is a harsh view on what the head director of Battery City was currently doing. Some would call it unjust, though, this is what Korse had to do. He needed to be 100% sure the boy who currently lay curled up in the floor was in fact one of his own creations.

Since departing his creations nation wide to different homes until it was time for them to come back and help lead this revolution, it was now Korse's duty to round up his weapons he so skilfully created.

The exterminator was left with only a handful of his creations now, a lot of them dying off during birth. However, six of these children still remained, these children whose only duty was to serve him and Battery City. Most importantly, putting a complete stop to the rebels out wandering the zones.

To do this, the exterminator needed to find the six extraordinary beings, and to his luck, he had recently tracked down the most important of the lot, or so he thought.

Upon creating these children, Korse had made one of these kids more capable then the rest. More agile, intelligent, strong, this child would be perfect in the eyes of the industry. This child obviously survived, as their system was far stronger and superior to the others.

Korse sent this child specifically with another survivor, making it easier to track the more powerful one down. Korse had sent the twin girls together also, knowing well they both thrive off each other.

Korse had strong beliefs the boy he had captured was the strongest child. But as the boy with the fiery red hair begged for mercy clutching his open flesh wound, bleeding out and coming close to death, it was no obvious Korse had been wrong. This boy was not who Korse believed him to be, unfortunately. The realisation is what Korse to let out an aggressive scream, throwing his fists against the white walls.

"We've got the wrong one." Korse's teeth grinded in frustration. He couldn't believe it- he had been so sure the boy would have been the stronger one- it must have been the god damned girl he was paired off with at birth. How could the head of Battery City have been so naïve and stupid to have not captured the girl as well?

Korse's second in command took a cautious step towards him, not wanting his aggressive outbursts to backfire on her. She had kept a low profile as she watched the leader of Battery City give the young man sprawled out on the floor absolute hell.

She smoothed out her grey blazer jacket before speaking. "Sir? I do not understand."

"His sister must have been the stronger one. We caught the wrong on." Korse stood up straight, composing himself once more.

"Take the boy to the cells in preparation to be re programmed. We will not stop until we find the girl. She will be the one to turn this war around, she will be the one to eradicate all of those scum killjoys."

(A/N! Guess who's back!? And will be updating more frequently? This gal :) ! So this is just a small teaser into the rest of the book, which i'm extremely excited for. More updates coming soon, stay tuned xon)

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