Chapter One: An Introduction to my Life

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Chapter One: An Introduction to my Life

It started off with the best friendship. Growing up together, going through kindy, primary school and on to high school. We were always together every second of the day. Never apart, except for the times that we had to be. After school everyday I would go home and think about what sort of journeys we could have the next day. Her name was Sophie. Sophie Dickson. Long brown hair, glowing green eyes and tiny freckles that you only noticed when you were a couple of inches away from her face. She was the most beautiful person i have ever met, but i never told her. 

Who am I? My name is Elizabeth Wallace. I never fit in, anywhere. All through school I knew i was different. Sophie was the only one who understood me. I've never had a boyfriend, never had many friends or been very popular. I tried to fit in though, tried to be 'cool', and failed over and over. I have gone through deep depression and have tried to kill myself countless times, but I took Sophie's advice and I went to a counsellor. Ever since those 6-months worth of appointments, I'm a happier person. I've learnt to be who I am and not who I think other people want me to be. I am Lizzie, short, mocha hair, braces, clear skin with the occasional pimple and hazel eyes that turned sort of green in the cold.

I was born in Surfers Paradise, Australia, grew up in Christchurch and currently live in Mt Manganui, Tauranga, the most beautiful place to be in New Zealand. Sophie's canadian. We both moved over here when we were 3 years old, fate introduced us and god split us apart. 

When Soph and I met in kindy, I was the shy kid and she was the kid who ran around the room looking for every person to say hi to. I was the last person she introduced herself to. The first words that came out of mouth were different to what she said to everybody else. 

"You look nice."

And that's where it started. The rest of that day was spent in the playground, in the sandpit and when it finally rained, inside on the beanbags. Each and every day from then on was the best day I had. Until it came to primary school. In kindy, kids are naiive and keep with their friends. They're not mean, but primary school is different. Primary school is the place where you start growing up and some people realising that they like picking on other kids. I was the kid they picked on and even though Soph was always with me, they never seemed to bother her. I guess it was her confidence, because the people picking on me must've had a lot of confidence and though that Sophie was one of them. One day, things got out of hand and I was pushed to the ground. Covered in mud, bruises and blood, i got up to see Sophie talking the the bullys.

Sophie was never a physical person, she always liked talking things over and making sure that peace was made in an appropriate manner. Another scenario happened when it came to high school. It was year 10 and since we were in a mixed school, the boys were being immature whenever they got the chance. One Monday I came to school and everybody was looking at me weirdly. Sophie was next to me and I could tell she wasn't telling me something. She seemed like she didn't want to hurt me, as if there were a horrible rumour going around.

"Lizzie, i have something to tell you..."

Apparently I had gone to a party in the weekend, gotten completely wasted, and slept with a bunch of deperate guys. Apparently i was also pregnant. I spent the rest of the day in the girls bathroom sobbing, trying not to be too loud. Sophie stayed with me the whole time, except when I said something and there was no reply, I knew she had gone. I cried more, thinking that she didn't want to be around a lonely, sobbing, loser. And then she came back. She had a talk with the principal and the principal said there were already complaints about these rumours. Someone else cared about me other than Sophie. I did'nt know who it was, all i cared about is that there is someone else who knows i exist.

I came out of the bathroom, still red in the face, and started to walk down the corridor towards my next class. English, my worst subject. I really wasn't in the mood for any kind of thinking exercises (which unfortunately is what English is all about, except when you watch horrible movies), and i really couldn't be bothered learning about the characters life problems, i have my own to deal with.

It's the middle of class and I feel something hit my back. I thought: 'Oh it's just another hater, don't turn around, they'll throw something at your face'. So i try to keep focusing on my 'work', but out of the corner of my eye i see what was thrown. It was a scrunched p piece of paper, it landed a couple of inches away from my right foot. I slowly lean down to pick it up, preparing for snark comments to be written on it. I cautiously open it up, but inside wasn't what i was expecting.

 "Meet me after class. Mark x"

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