Our Story-9/11

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Chapter 1

“Wake up girls,” our mom had the sweetest voice. It was full of love, compassion, and kindness. Today was the day that we flew to New York, by ourselves, to stay with Gramma Nancy. I was excited to stay with Gramm, but also nervous to leave Mom. She would be all alone here.

Kimmy is always the last person to awake in our house. She sleeps like a baby! Mom had recently gotten a new job and she has to stay there for a month, maybe two. Her job was also far from home so we have to go to Gramma’s.

“Mom, I’m scared,” Kimmy was scared about everything.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Mother answered with such kindness. I would really miss that voice.

“I don’t want to leave you. Will you be alright here alone?”

“I’m fine. You need to get all packed and take a shower. We are leaving soon,” She picked up Kim’s suitcase and laid it on the bed. It’s time!

Chapter 2

The flight had to have been at least four hours long. Gramm was waiting at the airport. As soon as we got to her, she squeezed us until our eyes bulged. Gramm drove us to her apartment and called mom. She explained that we made it and that we were fine.

Once we got to the apartment, Gramm told us the rules, (there were none) and showed us around. She explained that once we got unpacked, we could explore New York. She also said we could call Mom twice a week and if there was an emergency.

We finally unpacked and realized, we were about to go site-seeing in New York! There was one problem; Gramm told us we need “adult-supervision.” Both Kimmy and I groaned. “Not that sort of thing!” I said anxiously. We hate “adult-supervision.” Because she our grandmother, we decided she could come with us.

“Can we go Halloween shopping soon? Maybe we can go tomorrow or sometime this week?” Kim suggested. Halloween has got to be her favorite holiday!

G randmother walked into the other room to get on her “site-seeing shoes.” I’m glad to know she still works out!

“Kiona! Come see this,” that was my queue! What could possibly be so exciting?As I turned the corner into Gramm’s room, I could see her holding a memory book full of pictures of Kim and me. I yelled for Kim, and realized that Gramm looked like she could cry! Apparently this was very emotional.

I noticed pictures of Kimmy coming home from the hospital when she was born, pictures of me and my broken arm in first grade when I fell off the swing, and also pictures of Kimmy and I on the trampoline. We had so much fun when we were little! Now all we do is fight. Gramma was now at the door…waiting for us to get ready!

Chapter 3

We had walked around for a while, and we were getting hungry and thirsty. Gramm showed us the food stands. There were so many to choose from. Kim and I both wanted pizzas, so Gramm showed us this amazing Italian shop and ordered us both medium-sized pizzas.

We noticed this arrogant building that was as big as a mountain. We were about to ask Gramm what it was called but she had this distraught and busy look on her face. Neither of us wanted to ask if we could go. I finally did and she just nodded with a distracted look. It was almost as if something were wrong. She seemed delusional and almost lost. I didn’t dare ask what was wrong. We left immediately and found ourselves a mile away from Gramm. Who knew it was so far away?

It was then, when I got the feeling. It started in my knees and made its way up. I urged Kim to go inside. Surely we were safe inside a building. I starting asking the people around and the building was called the World Trade Center. What a weird name?

I heard it first. The noise came at us like a herd of rhinos. It was next that I felt the shaking of the building. I could not believe how many people were screaming. I really had no idea what was happening.

In the next few moments I experienced pain, sadness, and anger as I realized Kimmy had been burned by a fire. She was screaming and crying. Everything in my head slowed down. It felt like my arm was broken, I had an open-cut on my shin, and I could see Kimmy’s hand was full of blood and chisel.

Smoky remains filled the air. I knew we had to get out of this deep, dark rubble. I picked up Kimmy, threw her on my back, and took off. As soon as we reached the outside, I saw the crumbled remains of the airplanes. They were big, on fire, and wrecked. They were so close, I could have touched what was left of them. This may have been the last moment I shared with my sister. “I love you, Kiona.” Her voiced felt empty; cold and dark.

Chapter 4

The police were there in no time. The ambulance, including about a million stretchers, firefighters, and the SWAT team had arrived in a flash. I heard a familiar voice scream our names. It was Gramm. It was only a matter-of-time until she realized we were in the horrible, crushed building. She rushed over and said she would meet us at the hospital. The EMS’s allowed her in the ambulance with us instead. We were rushed to the hospital like…“that.”

I don’t remember much, but I know Kimmy was on her death bed. I tried to stay up, but it was impossible. Because I had taken many pills and because this was very traumatic, I had been dozing off and forgetting a lot. We were alone for a while, until Gramm walked into the room…with Mom! I was so excited to see her. I flung up in my bad and then fainted. What have I done?

Chapter 5

I have been cooped up in this bed for 3 weeks. My arms and a few ribs are broken. I found out that I have a constant pain in my abdomen because of the ribs. Kim lies in a coma. She has not awoken since September 11th. The doctors have no idea when she will awaken.

Most of our body parts are wrapped in special ointment. They burn and sting. I wish Dad was here. The only good thing is that either Kim or I will be seeing him real soon in the afterlife. The doctors still don’t know Kimmy’s results. It seems that it was very bad. I wish I could do something about it.

Chapter 6

Kimmy died on December 2 at 3:42 p.m. I was the last person she talked to. The next few days were full of sorrow, despair, and mourn. I will always remember that day; mostly because she had awaken for the last 10 minutes, laid in my arms, and taken her last breath. My tear falling on her cheek was the last thing that touched her when she was alive.

Her funeral was set for December 5. Everybody we knew was there. Kim’s hair was curled; she was dressed in a sparkly black shirt and a purple skirt (her favorite outfit), her face with light pink lipstick, blue eye shadow, and a patch covering the wound on her neck. She looked very beloved and I will never remove that image from my minds.

Chapter 7

-10 years later-

The date is September 11, 2011. I am in the hospital suffering from a late condition of lung cancer from the bombing. The doctors explained that I would never be the same from when I was 10. They had never expected this. I have been in this hospital for, again, 3 weeks straight. I am hooked up to machines and will be questioned everyday about my vision, reflexes, and feelings.

My mom has been with me every step of the way. I’m sure Kimmy, Dad, and Grandpa are, too. When I leave this life, I want it to be pain free, mostly angelic like. I realized it was too late for that as I stare up at the ceiling, as my breathing stops, and my lungs give way. My mother knew it before I did. She says she can feel it all the time.

Chapter 8

It is very hard to hear from up here, but that is the easiest thing to make out. Now, I can see Dad, Kimmy, and Grandpa. We converse every day. It feels fresher, cleaner, and more peaceful up here. Everything is white and purple. Besides the fact that I get to see all of my beloveds, I still miss Mom and Gramma Nancy. I guess it’s true when they say you are now in a “Better Place.” 

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