Chapter 9

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After the event with Kirito that occurred, I went home feeling a bit relieved. I wanted to feel guilty, because I knew I was betraying Asuna; but it's hard not to when I'm around Kirito. I sprawled across my bed hoping my phone would vibrate from a message from Kirito. As if on cue it rung off; I picked it up with great haste and read it.


Hey Shino, I managed to get contact with the gang again, were meeting up in ALO tomorrow. Was hoping you would join us if you're not too busy.

Whoa, the gang huh. It's been awhile since I've seen Silco, Klein, Lisbeth, and Leafa. Well not really leafa, since I can see her whenever I visit Kirito but still. Im kind of worried, but I don't know why.

I respond to his message saying


Sure why not. Will Asuna be joining us?



I have no idea. >_< Her mother's a bit iffy when it comes to her playing ALO.

I throw my head back into my pillow sighing. "Hopefully we can spend time together... Just you and me." I smile hearing the words come out my mouth so boldly. I'm not sure when, but sleep had taken me somehow into a deep dream.

I was in GGO, but I couldn't recognize were else other than that. Wait no I was Shino from GGO but I was now in ALO. The area around me was a sort of volcanic rock. It had magma protruding from it in various areas. Yet even though this was a game, the heat was excruciating. I turned around to look for an exit but found something else....Someone else. It was a dark figure, she was cradling Kirito in her arms; but he was unconscious. She was leaning in to kiss him when I darted toward her screaming-

"No, don't touch him!" Somehow I knew it would be bad if she did whatever she was trying to do. I could just feel it. The shadowy, fog like girl stood up and made a gun shape with her fingers; pointing it at me. Instantly her arm turned into a shadow like version of the Hecate, as a result my body began to glow. The girl shot a flaming bullet covered in a black fire directly at my heart. Like an angel the Shino from GGO emerged from my chest blocking the shot with her Hecate. I was thrown to the ground from the impact, as I looked over myself I noticed I was now the real me, glasses and everything. Shino from GGO began battling the shadow figure; I used this time to go and check on Kirito; but the moment I ran toward him everything crumbled away.

I threw myself up, body covered in sweat and heart racing. "It was just a dream... but.... What was that thing?" I grabbed the part of my chest where my heart would be; feeling as though a part of me was in pain. I slid off the bed an did my daily routine, afterward I checked my calendar and noticed that spring break was coming up real soon, it was only a few days away. Excited about the upcoming break I make my way to school. As I arrive at the school I realize that there aren't that many people here yet. "Did I come early?" I swiftly take a glance at the clock on my phone; "its 7:20, I am early." Normally I come to school around 7:50 so I wouldn't have to wait long for school to start. As I head to class I begin to open the door but then it jams.

"What the-!?" I tug at it more roughly, and notice the sound of people rushing like they were bumping into desk or stuff. "Stop it!" a male voice yells in a whisper. Then I hear a chair move and Kirito opens the door. "Kirito? What are you-"I suddenly notice Asuna trying to look innocent sitting by her desk adjusting her skirt while one of the upper buttons on her shirt was unbuttoned; then I scan over Kirito an realize his shirt was a bit wrinkled and he was sweating. My eyes widen as a thought comes to mind, "Where you too-!?" "N-n- no its not- it's just- it's not what you think!" Kirito stuttered. I looked at Asuna who was now blushing an averting her eyes from me. "Not what I think!" Suddenly I slap him and storm off furiously. But Kirito grabbed ahold of my arm mid-way down the hall, "Shino please let me explain, Please!" "There's nothing for you to explain Kirito; you two blocked the door and were in that room doing GOD KNOWS WHAT! Why would you-" My sentence was cut off by Kirito kissing me; my eyes wide open I pushed him off. "What the hell Kirito! What am I to you, some whore!? " "Shino!" I backed away, surprised by the way Kirito shouted at me. He then looked into my eyes causing my heart to run laps in my chest. His dark eyes looked like they were hurting, then he placed his hands on my cheeks. " Shino you have to believe me, it's not what you think." Still not willing to give that easily; I said "Then what did happen Kirito? Why were your clothes so wrinkled an you were sweating? Why was she fixing her skirt!?" He sighed before responding with" I will have to tell you later Shino. Its kind of a long story but-" He started to lean in to kiss me but I was still upset and rejected it. He looked disappointed and began walking back to class.

The rest of the day was as expected; Kirito was trying to talk to me but I did not humor him. Lunch break he was sitting in the back of the school, but instead of working on his gadgets he was staring out into the field. When it was time for the last class for the day I realized that it was physical ed and that today the boys and girls were racing. When all the girls and boys changed into their P.E uniforms; they began to gather around.

I always hated this P.E uniform; it was so tight on my butt and chest that I could almost feel the stares of the guys through them. The first group was the boys; it was about 20 of them lined off on the field preparing to run. When the instructor blew his whistle, the boys darted down the field. I noticed Kirito in third placing moving at an insane speed, but he looks like he is pushing too hard. "Let's Go Kirito!" I began to shout; cheering for him.

I could swear I see him smiling, nah can't be. Kirito finished in fourth and the boys were congratulated for their effort. The top three would go on to race now after the girl's race. I looked over to ensure Kirito was alright but I saw him heading over to the changing room holding his stomach. I casually move away from the crowd as the girls head onto the field. As I make my way to the boys changing room I peek inside to see if he was okay. "Kirito!" I gasp as I see him unconscious on the ground.

He must have pushed himself to hard. I kneel behind him and lift his head into my arms. He's still breathing, he must just be exhausted. I began to stare at his parted lips as he breathed in and out. My face instantly became red from the thought of kissing him like this. I looked around suddenly to see if there was anyone around and began to lean in closer to him. My eyes caught sight of a mirror and for a second I was terrified. In the mirror I thought I saw the shadow girl holding Kirito but it was just me. I breathe out relieved then decide to just wake Kirito up. I tap him in on the cheeks a few times resulting in him flying up from my lap.

"What- where- why!?" I giggle at his reaction and lay him back on my lap "You were out from over exerting your self-running. Please take it easy next time." He just smiles and places his hand onto my cheek. Suddenly his face turns red and his eyes wander my tight P.E shirt. This causes MY face to turn red also, so I threw him off of my lap. "W-what are you looking at!? Baka!!" "N-n-nothing!" We were both looking around and I decided to leave before someone comes in and misunderstands. As I began to walk away Kiritos arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel his baggy track pants press against my hips. There was something hard though pressing a little more into my hips. His lips were pressed into my neck causing me to breathe heavily. "Don't forget about ALO" he whispered. I just nodded; my mind was completely blank from what he just did. I then remember I was still mad at him and turned around pushing him away, "I'm still upset with you!" He just smiled and pulled me into him like that time in GGO. "I'm just waiting on you Shino." I pulled away and darted out of the changing room. At that moment the bell signaling the end of school went off.

Alright ALO; here I come!

(Sorry about the lack of updates. WiFi was down :/ )

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