The World Cup

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Harry's POV:
While I am telling my beautiful girlfriend that she looks very pretty, we heard a knock on the door. Ron opens up and teases "Hermione! What did you do to your face?!". "Oh, shove off Ron" she replies and goes through the door. OH MY F*****G GOD! If I was thinking this, my face must be showing it. I'm trying to make it go into a brother teasing face but it's hard. "Uh, Hermione did a clown come in and paint your face" I tease badly. "No, but it would be an improvement for you" she tease back. I chuckle. 'You are so pretty everyday but today you look gorgeous' is what I want to say. What I actually say is "You look...good Hermione". She smiles and thanks me. "Ahem" she sharply says to Ron. "Eh, you don't look ugly" he says. I face palm. "Uh, thanks I guess?" she says doubtfully. "EVERYBODY DOWNSTAIRS AND EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!" Mrs. Weasley screams. We all do and eat our breakfast and head out and start walking.
********Time Skip to Portkey********
"How. Much. Farther" Ron gasps. "Just up ahead" Mr. Weasley answers. "Well in all fairness, Ron. You needed to lose those 10 pounds" Ginny teases. Ron just growls and keeps saying 'Food'. I roll my eyes then see someone. "Ah, Arthur! Was wondering when you were going to appear" a man says. "Well these lumps of potatoes were dragging me down" Mr. Weasley jokes. He introduces him to me and his son even though I already know him as the captain of the Hufflepuff quiditch team. Also as the seeker who got the snitch while I was busy with Dementors. I didn't and don't blame him though, he tried to get a rematch since he believed it was unfair how he got the snitch. He's a good lad. We all touch the boot and we go through a whirlwind and get to the World Cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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