"Huh? Oh, hi Connor."
"Why so glum, Troye boy?"
"I'm not glum."
"Yes you are, Troye, Don't try to hide it from me. I've known you forever, I know when you're sad. Now, spill."
"Tilly dumped me."
"Ye- I mean, what? Why? What happened?"
"I don't know, he said something about not feeling the spark anymore. Huh, excuses."
"How could he feel the sparks if they never existed?"
"Huh? Did you say something?"
"What? No. Anyway, bye."
"Where are you going?"
"To beat Tyler's ass for hurting my best friend."
"You're the best, Connie."
"... and I know it."
"See you later?"
"Definitely. 5 pm, my house?"
"It's a date."
"A date? I mean- sure, whatever."

"It's a date." Tronnor one - shot
Fanfiction"How could he feel the sparks if they never existed?"