Chapter 1

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Ariana POV

*beep**beep* What the crap is that? Oh it's my phone. It's from my manager Amanda. Hey Ariana, come to the studio at 10:30, we have some things we need to catch up on. I reply, Okay see you then. Wow, being famous really was starting to get annoying; going to the studio to sing and stuff at 10:30. Well it's 9:00 right now so I should probably start getting ready. 

I took a shower then dried off. I started looking for a cute outfit to wear. Oh this looks cute! It was a green and white dress with white flats. Should I do my hair? Nah.. it's just the studio. But I think a green bow would look cute in my hair. I put some light makeup on. I think earrings would make this outfit look even cuter. I put on a pair of pearl earrings then look at myself in the mirror. Not too bad. I spray Wonderstruck on then grab my green purse. Okay so all I need is my wallet, my phone, and my keys. That's all. After I finish putting everything I need in my purse, I go downstairs and grab a granola bar and a bottle of water to eat on the way there. I go to my car then start driving to the studio.

Justin's POV

 *beep**beep* What the hell? It was my phone beeping. It was from my manager Scooter. Yo Justin, come to the studio at 10:30, we need to catch up on some songwriting. I reply Alright man, see you there. Being famous really was getting frustrating; I mean like who feels like singing or songwriting at 10:30 in the morning? Well I sure dont! I guess I'm gonna have to get in the shower now. 

I get in the shower then dry off. I wear a black V-neck, red leather pants, and cheetah supras. To top it off, I add a gold chain and diamond earrings. I'm gonna try to look swaggy today. I spike up my hair a little bit. I smirk at myself in the mirror. Goal completed ;) I grab a pair of Ray Bans then go downstairs and grab a bottle of water. I get in my car then start driving to the studio. 

Once I arrive, I walk in the studio. Scooter sees me. "Hey Justin, let's go." He leads me to the studio. When I walk in, I see a girl there that looks familiar. Is that Ariana Grande?

Ariana's POV

When I get to the studio I see Amanda. She then leads me to the studio. Amanda says "Okay, well you are going to be doing a duet with someone special." I look up excitedly. "Who?" She smirks. "It's a surprise.." Oh great.. What was this going to turn out to be like? 

After about 10 minutes of waiting, I hear the studio door open. I look up and see.. Justin Bieber! I'm doing a duet with him? Well I do like his music, so I'm fine with that. His manager says "Hey Amanda, do you want to start making this duet?" She nods. "Yeah. Okay guys, so we're going to do the song Die In Your Arms. Scooter heard you sing the song and heard Justin sing it as well and he thought you guys would make a great duet together. It should be simple though because you both already did it before." I love this song! This is my absolute favorite song that he made. Scooter looks at both of us. "Well Amanda and I are going to go in the other room for like 15 minutes and try to get the background music to match both of your voices equally. You guys can.. I don't know.. talk or something. No messing around though. Especially you Justin.." He gives Justin a wink then goes into the other room with Amanda. 

Wow.. This was going to be awkward. "Hey Ariana, do you remember me?" "Oh yeah! You were on Victorious that one time." He shifts back and forth. "Yep.. That's me. But I grew up." He laughs. "Yeah, a lot." I laugh as well. "But so have you. You look pretty though." He smiles at me. He seems nice. What should I say? "So do you have a girlfriend?" Crap.. I didnt mean to say that! That's just the first thing that came to my mind. He looks around uncomfortably. "Actually not anymore.. things happened between us and we just broke up." "Are you talking about Selena Gomez?" He looks at me. "Uhh yeah.." I look at him understandingly. "Well I've gone through the same thing with lots of other guys. You're not alone." He looks down. "Yeah but I definitely thought for sure I found true love and someone I could trust. But obviously I didn't. That's why I have a hard time trusting people anymore because everytime I get comfortable with someone, they always seem to leave me. It's hard being a celebrity because you never know if someone could like you for your true self, or your looks, or your money. I just hope that one day I will find that special girl that I can give my world to and she can give me hers." He looked like he had tears starting to form in his eyes. 

I think I'm starting to feel something for him. I don't know what it is but I feel like I can trust him because I have a hard time trusting people as well. Especially after my break up with Jai. "I have a hard time trusting people too. I hope I find that special someone one day too." I look down. All the memories of Jai and I come flooding back. I feel like crying but I can't cry in front of him. "Is something wrong?" Yes, my whole past is wrong. I wanna go back in time and change everything. I wanted to say that but instead I say "No. I'm fine." That's what I always say to everyone. I never tell anyone the truth behind my feelings. 

The door opens. Both of our managers come walking in. Amanda asks "Is everything ok?" I say "Yeah.. It's fine." "Okay, well we have to focus on the music now, so lets go." 

Justin and I take the pieces of paper that have the lyrics on them and walk into the noise-isolating room. Amanda says over the speaker "Okay guys, do you think you are ready for this?" Justin and I both exchange glances and nod "Yeah this is going to be easy." 

After about two hours of singing and editing, we're finally finished. We both walk out.Amanda smiles "Guys that was amazing! Better than we thought. Okay well that's a wrap. Ariana be here tomorrow at 12:30 okay?" I nod. "Okay thanks.. bye." 

 Justin and I start walking out the door. He asks "Hey, can I see your phone for a minute?" I look at him questioningly. "Umm.. Okay?" What did he want my phone for? He takes it then types something into it then gives it back to me. He says "Hey, can you text me sometime? I want to get to know you better." I laugh. "Okay.. bye justin." "Bye ariana." He winks at me. We both start walking to our cars then drive off in different directions. Why did he want to get to know me better? That question played in my head for the rest of the day. 

 When I get home, I go upstairs to my bedroom then put my 'pajamas' on, which you can just call a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Should I text Justin now? Why not? I text him Hey Justin, it's Ariana. He texts me back about five minutes later. Oh hey! We both text each other for the rest of the day until we fall asleep.

Jariana- A Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande love storyWhere stories live. Discover now