Elementary school

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Elementary is one of the biggest memories of mine because so much happened. I went to a school named "Vermont Ave Elementary School" in LA. Let's start with Kindergarten. I loved kindergarten. My teacher was AWSOME. His name was Mr. V and he would give us gummy worms and candy and other junk crap :). He was a chubby man that always wore white see through shirts and people would see his belly. But he was super nice. He would give me extra gummy worms in exchange for a burrito or taco from my moms gas station-restaurant job. I had a best friend that had the same name as me just spelled differently like "Yessika". We met at the playground when I tripped her on accident and she started laughing. We had a lot of things in common. We both liked to throw sand at other kids and trip them and laugh. Since we were little we never got in trouble :D. But one day she had to move to a different school and I was really lonely till that day. Our parents would always pick us up late and we would stay in class together. But since she left I had to stay alone in class :( .
But then first grade came. First grade really sucked. I had no friends and I was really lonely so I spent most of my time inside class helping the teacher clean. The teachers name was Ms. Robertson. She was African-American and super nice. She would always give me a dollar for helping her out everyday. But there was this super smart girl named "Deija" I forgot how to spell it, but I didn't like her. She was mean and always acted like a know-it-all. She started helping the teacher too and my teacher wouldn't let me help anymore. But sooner or later we became friends I don't remember how but yeah.
Second grade. Second grade was bad just not as bad as first grade. I had a friend named, yes I had a friend, surprise, her name was "Deniz". I don't know how we became friends. I just thought she was pretty and I started hanging out with her and we became best friends. She was such a wonderful person. One day I threw up outside and everyone left except her and she took me to the nurse :). Also, I broke my arm by going to fast on my scooter at home and she would always take me and pick me up from the nurse's office before and after recess and lunch. I wasn't allowed to go outside because of my broke damn arm so i spent most of my time talking to the kids at the nurse's office :(. Anyways, my teacher's name was Ms.Moras. And i forgot to mention, none of my teachers, besides my fifth and kindergarten teacher, spoke Spanish, so parent conferences weren't easy for me. I didn't get bad grades but the fact that I had to translate every single thing my teacher said to my mom and every single thing my mom said to my teacher wasn't easy. And I'm not a pro at speaking Spanish so sometimes I would fuck up. Then came third grade.
Third grade is so far the WORST grade I've ever had. Third grade was horrible like literally. First of all, my teacher was so fucked up. Her name was Ms.porliea. She looked Chinese but she never told us from were she came from ( not to be racist I'm sorry). She had horrible fashion. Who on earth wears sneakers/tennis shoes with a dress? You guessed it! My third grade teacher! And that's when I became blind :(. In third grade I began to have horrible eye sight and I had to get glasses. I had so many glasses but none of them worked :(. I was as blind as a bat and since I sat in the back I couldn't see anything and I never finished my work or understood anything. And my teacher never cared. She was always rude about it and when I asked her if I could sit in the floor in front of the board so I can see she would start laughing at me and send me to another class to finish my work. But I loved the little fish she has in the classroom. I loved to stare at them. Since I was little I loved animals and I always had a strong relationship with them. My first pet was a dog named "Chiquita" which is the Spanish word for "small" or "short". But I didn't really get a lot of pets because my parents didn't really like them and we lived in an apartment so we couldn't have animals besides fish and turtles and you know, small animals you can't really play with, but I still loved them. Anyways, that besides the point, back to third grade. My teacher loved to do arts and crafts and I did too :D. So she would always make us do little projects and stuff but I never understood them because I sucked at it and I always failed. Again, blind as a bat. But I did have friends named "Gabriella" and "Daniela". They weren't mean, but they were just, different, we didn't have much in common like me and "Yessika" did but it's better than having no friends, right? So Gabriella was pretty and really really smart. She had a really squeaky voice and was really quiet, so was Daniela, and I, oh I was never quiet. I loved to scream and laugh and everything :D! And yeah.
Then 4th grade. I still hung out with my two friends but we weren't in the same class so I kinda was lonely most of the time. But then I became really lonely. I started to learn bad words. And my two friends hated people who said bad words and I had a big habit of saying them so they betrayed me :(. But I made a new friend named "Samantha". She was really nice and she made me laugh all the time. We hung out a lot and anytime she was sad I cheered her up and I had her back and she had mine. But she wasn't a really friendly person to others. For example, she would get into a lot of fights with friends, and even me. But I wasn't really different either. I hated this girl named "Ziada". I know weird name but don't judge. She wore big glasses ( I had my perfect glasses by then that helped me see better and i could see clearly and I still have them now :) ) and had weird bangs over her eyes and I hated her. She sat next to me and one day I got super mad at her, I pulled her hair and left a big hair ball on the floor from what I pulled and the teacher saw It and started walking around and seeing who's hair it was by trying to match it but for some reason Ziada didn't tell on me and luckily she didn't or I would have been sent to the principles office so I was really lucky. But what I loved about 4th grade is that I had real friends :). Their names were "Lilybeth", "Arlette" ( sadly she moved and I never seen her since unlike Yessika that I saw again in church school :( ) "Venis", "Julianna" and more so I was really happy. My teacher was Russian so she  would put Russian music while we worked because she thought it was relaxing and That it help us concentrate but to be honest it was accually really distracting because we would laugh at the language they spoke ( sorry we were kids, we didn't understand racist, u can't blame us) and that's why we loved her. She wasn't mean she was actually pretty nice but my friend Lilybeth had ALOT of adittude and they would fight a lot but I thank Lily for everything because she was one of my best friends and she was always their for me and I love her very much (as a friend) and we still hang out today :). Samantha was nice too and I would go to her house and we would play, but one day I accidentally broke something of hers and her mom didn't let me visit or hang out with her anymore but we still hung out. And lily, I would go to her house to and I loved to go cause we would play with her dogs and cat. We also thought that there was ghosts in her house and we would pretend we were ghost hunters with our beast ass iPhones and shit :D. Anyways, yeah, and everybody else hated "Ziada" too so we would always be mean to her :D , I mean, that's what friends are for, right? I had so many fun memos from 4th grade but I have to move on to 5th so let's go.
  5th grade. I LOVED 5th GRADE. My best best friend is named "Josie". She is super nice and I love her so much. And the reason I'm saying in in present tense is because we are still best friends today :) even though we don't go to the same school, we call, FaceTime, and visit each other to hang out for a while. I had so many best friends in 5th grade and I love them all, some are "Jenises" "Julianna" "2 Leslies" "Subey" "Andrea" ect. I love them all and we still chat through messages. I had really nice friends and the kids that sat next to me taught me how to be MLG B) and bad ass. Thanks to them I found my addiction which I will talk about later. Josie has always been there for me and I will never forget her and I hope we can still be friends forever, and I will never forgive myself if I loose her from my memos. We had nicknames and most of ours appended with "ie". Mines was "Jessie" and Josie's was "JoJo". Jenises's was "Jenie" and Julianna's was "Julie". I know weird XD. My teachers name was "Ms.Vallecillo" we didn't really like her but let's be real, without her, I would have never met josie and other awsome friends. Jenie had SO much attude. She would fight with the teacher literally everyday! And she would slam the door when the teacher would kick her out of the class. But without her , the class would never be exciting, right? XD. Anyways, yeah, and fifth was just amazing even though I really had bad grades in math and shit but I didn't care. ( little fact about me and josie: we would call each other Bob, I don't know why but we just did lol). So yeah that's all about Elementary.i know it was a long chapter but I hoped you enjoyed. Now, that promise I made about that addiction which will be in my next chapter, so go read it please, thanks.

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