Chapter Three

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Harper’s P.O.V.

I stood at the counter flipping pancakes and listening to my iPod on full volume when Zach walked in. His hair wet from the shower and his eyes still drowsy from sleep.

“Where are your parents?” he asked looking around

“Working, again” I rolled my eyes

My parents were real estate agents, but they had their own business and so they were constantly working, so I was always home alone. Thanks to the absence of neither a brother nor a sister. I was constantly on my own.

I flipped the last pancake out of the pan and onto a plate on top of the stack of pancakes.

I turned around and saw Zach with his head in the fridge obviously searching for something.

“Zach what are you doing?” I said curiously

He turned around guiltily

“ummm...n-nothing” he said his face going bright red

I saw a bit of chocolate smeared on the side of his mouth

“Zach!!!! You dope head that was the last of my dark chocolate!!” I screeched attacking him with my hands

He cowered laughing, on the floor as I hit him repeatedly for eating my precious dark chocolate”

“ok, o-k, I’m- sorry- get –off- me- you- mad- woman!” he laughed

I stopped and let him get up

“As punishment you have to cut the strawberries and whip the cream” I mock serious

“Yes ma’am” he said saluting me

I turned around and picked up my stack of pancakes and carried them carefully into the dining room and placed them in the middle of the table I had set before Zach got up. I looked around the walls that we covered with photos of me, my mum, dad and mostly Zach. I looked at my last family photo.

It was two years ago in Thredbo, we took two weeks out of school and went skiing.

“Hey move over, don’t hog the seat” I said pushing my mum on the chairlift seat

“It’s not my fault you have a big behind!” she laughed

I twisted in my seat to look at my dad in the chair behind

“Dad did you hear what she said?”

“Sorry hunny, I was thinking. I think?” my dad said smiling, and looking a bit confused

I turned in my seat and looked at the ground below me. The slopes were filled with families and couples hoping to shred some snow before spring came. Everything was white, snow covered everything. I looked towards the sky feeling the soft snow hit my flushed cheeks and cling to my eyelashes

“Darling, come on we’re almost at the top. Get ready to eat my snow”

I looked at my mum

“Is that a challenge?”

She said nothing but her blue eyes sparkled with excitement

“Get ready......JUMP”

I jumped onto the snow, my skis making hard impact that shot through up my legs. I pushed forward and I went flying, snow and wind hit my face.

This, I thought, this is flying.

Since that holiday I barley saw my parents. I was going into year nine and they thought that I was old enough not to rely on them anymore.

I let a small tear escape my eyes and trickle down my face

But I didn’t need to rely on them, not in the kiddy sense. But I still needed the comfort of my parents; I still needed the love they used to give me.

I turned around at a sound in the room

I saw Zach standing in the doorway with the cream and strawberries in two bowls in his hands. He walked in and set them down on the table and walked over next to me and put his arms gently around me.

I leant into his warm, hard chest and let a few tears escape.

I pulled back and looked up at him, I was tall about 5’9 but Zach was at least 6’3 and it never failed to amuse him at the fact that I had to look up in order to see his face.

He smiled softly at me and brushed a stray piece of hair out of my face.

“Are you okay?” he asked looking into my eyes

I looked at him, his eyes were a dark brown ringed with dark lashes, and a strand of chocolate brown hair fell into his eyes like always. His tanned skin was flushed with heat. He looked so gently at me that I couldn’t tell him the truth. It was such a silly reason to cry when his family situation was worse than mine.

“I’m fine” I said not looking at him

He looked unconvinced but let it go

We sat down at the table and dug into the pancakes, we were quiet at first but soon we were laughing and giggling, making whipped cream beards and moustaches and funny faces on our pancakes.

I couldn’t ask Zack about last night, not when he looked so happy and carefree.


A/N: So third chappy!! sorry i couldnt get it up last night my editor didnt get back to me until this avo, so sorry for the delay. depending on my assignments and homework i will upload on thurs or wed. it's the second week and i have three assignments and tonns of homework. hope you all enjoy this chappy!!!! adios amigos

xxxxx F 

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