chapter 3| Meeting Her pt. 1

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"Have a good day at school Jaxon!"

A loud cheer of approval came from behind the door before a head of curly orange hair peaked through the window and smiled a gap-toothed smile. Annabelle, her stuffed rag-doll, waved alongside his sister, as the teen walked further down the driveway and starting the trek to the bus stop a good four blocks away.

It was surprisingly humid  for Milwaukee in the middle of fall, but it was still chill enough for a jacket or a hoodie to be needed. Most of the leaves that had fallen had become soggy from the previous nights rain and a cat had crossed in front of him before bolting across to the other side of the street. The raven haired male tucked his earbuds in his ears and took the long trek to the bus stop. As to be expected, he had no idea who anyone at the stop was, but instead, he threw a simple, half-hearted smile at the group before turning to mind his own business. Beyond his music, he could easily hear the girls of the group begin to speak.

He's gotta be the new guy.

Of course he's the new guy. Sabrina already called dibs on him a few days ago, remember?

That doesn't mean that ugly slut can call dibs on every white guy that comes through those doors. It doesn't leave much to the rest of us.

True. Hey, the bus is here.

The raven haired teen looked up again and sure enough, the long yellow bus was waiting, doors open and waiting for the group to step on. He silently watched as the group got on and waited a few minutes before stepping on himself and glancing quickly at the bus driver (a stumpy woman who could honesty lose a little bit of weight) and everyone who was forced to ride the bus instead of drive (which was honestly a lot). He didn't know how he managed to find an empty seat, but miraculously, he did at the dead center of the bus. No problems here right?


"Hey fag!"

His earbuds were snatched from his ears and the sudden smell of aftershave and musk surrounded him like a suffocating cloud. It took most of his strength to not breath in the strong stench and gag.

"I'm talking to you! What, are you deaf or something?"

"If I was actually deaf, then I would enjoy the silence. Unlike now."

With that, he walked past those few seats and sat down in the complete back, next to some girl with vintage 70s glasses and dressed in a dotted skirt. She picked at her teeth a few times throughout the entire ride and made a strange humming-sound every once in a while, but became mostly silent. On the right of him, he saw a couple doing "oh-so-cute" things. He couldn't help but smile at how cute they were but at the same time, he felt bad for them.

Once the bus came to a stop, Jaxon waited until everyone had gotten off before getting off of the bus himself. The main part of the school itself was pretty big, but with the addition of four other buildings, it was honestly a lot bigger than he had thought. Jaxon wasn't sure of where he was supposed to go, but looking at the building that said "Registration Office" it was a pretty big hint.

"Need any help finding anything?"

Jaxon looked down at the little cheerleader in front of him and smiled. Honestly, she was pretty cute in her uniform. Creamy skin, bright green eyes and long black hair that's tied into a single ponytail. She flicked her wrists back and forth, shaking the red and blue pom-poms back and forth.

"As the head cheerleader," she began, "It is my duty to help the new or lost students of Lakeview High at all cost. Do you need any help today?"

He felt a little creeped out at the fact that she remained in her cheerleading spirit, but he didn't want to be deemed rude. At the same time, he could feel that something was a bit off. Not about the cheerleader, she was weird enough, but about the school in general. It felt as if a dark aura hung over the vicinity of the place and draped over his shoulders; the little cheerleader being the only ray of sunshine.

Jaxon shuddered silently and looked back at the grinning girl. "I just need to get my schedule and my books. Do you know where the main office is?"

"Take a right at the fountain, it's not hard to miss" she hopped up and shook the Pom-poms again. "Before you go off on your way, take a little kiss!"

His eyes widened slightly as she leaned in towards the tall teen, but his alarm turned to confusion when she pulled a bag of Hershey's kisses out of her bag and plopped one in his hand. She bid the teen goodbye and bounced off towards a group of cheerleaders waiting on the bouncing girl.

Jaxon quietly turned away from the group of girls and quickly headed to the water fountain at the end of the hall. On his way, there were so many people that reminded him of his old school. He wanted to call out to them, make them notice him, anything; he knew he couldn't. He couldn't get attached to anyone. No one at all. He's leaving soon.


He wasn't paying attention. Again.

Jaxon shook his head, clearing it of most of its thoughts, before he looked down at the mess in front of him. Books and papers were scattered everywhere, a Supernatural lunch box lay next to an open Harry Potter book. His vision hadn't become clear until he had seen a pair of dark converse run down the hallway in the opposite direction, reading books and dented lunchbox in hoodie covered arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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