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Ysabelita Sol Aragoña,Ysa for short, was having a 21-day camping in Barcelona, Spain. Ysa was with her 10 friends and each of them brought a camera. One of them has a DSLR, it was Jodi, so they used that everytime they take pics (also the other's cams).

Then, they went to an antique store buying oldies' stuffs. Aika, one of their friends said,"Hmm, we must get outta here! There's an evil spirit here." Everybody laughed at her but she knew it right. Ysa said she was crazy but Aika still supported her statement. "Now, now", Mandy said, "Let's just go to the tent and forget these!"

An old lady came near 'em and, "Don't go to ur tents, something bad will happen.." Aika believed her so she left them and never went to the tent. She went to a hotel and stayed there until they all go home.

Meanwhile, Ysa and her friend was just about to go to the tent but they took pics first. Mandy was worried about Aika. "Maybe she's right. Let's not go back to the tent." "You too,well if you wanna go then fine, leave all ur things there!" Ysa shouted angrily. "Bueno, I'm really gonna leave, I dont care bout my stuffs and I dont wanna die!"

Mandy went to Aika. They just stayed at the hotel and they heard a knock. They opened the door and saw the old lady wearing an attendant's clothes. "Very good ladies, ur friends at the tent will have the bad thing and not urs" they were relieved but their friends are in danger. They had hard time thinking how to save them. Mandy's father was rich and they could hire a chopper going to the tent.

Then, Ysa and her 8 friends were at the tent, sunset was already beginning. They made bonfire and took pic. They saw a woman, a shadow, behind them. It was really obvious that it was a woman's resemblance cause it was standing in white gown and a rope tied on the tree as if she committed suicide before but the tree behind them has no rope there.

They were creeped out cause of that. Jodi was scared so she too, joined Mandy and Aika. Morning burst and only 8 of them were left in the campsite. They bought a newspaper and the headline was, " Senyora, died at Kalye Bente-uno. Was holdaped before stabbed." They were shocked when it was Jodi, they went to her funeral still at España. Mandy and Aika were there too. "I told you, the senyora was right!" Aika said angrily.

They apologized to her. But it was too late. They broke the curse and they will die. A day later, they were going home but, Ysa, Niña, Crisy, Ygonia, Maine, Sofia, Amelia and Amor were in trouble.

They broke the curse remember?

So they were heading to the departure then a hostage taker went there and took Ysa and went to the bathroom. There, he was about to stab her when she saw a knife and stabbed it to him. He died, luckily, Ysa was saved! 7 are in danger. Then, they were about to go to the plane when Amor was shot in the stomach. She died.

They can't cancel their flight so they have no choice but to go home. They left her there. Still lying down. Aika felt guilty.

They were now in the middle of the flight when the 6 no Mandy, Aika and Ysa there, suddenly was kidnapped in the plane they inhaled tear gas so they all fell asleep. They got the 6 and locked them in the bathroom. They killed them by stabbing them one by one.

When they were awakened, they saw the 6 missing. The suspects were still on the plane. They were acting like nothing changed.

Now, the 3 were at home in the Phil.

When they were at the antique shop, Amor touched a satanic figure that released an evil demon which followed them. The old woman they met was a guardian so the woman led the demon to the tent so she warned them all to not go there but 9 of them didnt listen. That demon was still in Barcelona, the place was still unknown in Spain. So Becareful!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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