I go home crying wishing I could end it all then and there, I get sit on my bed thinking why I'm I still here? No-one would miss me if I was gone, no-one knew the pain I had inside of me! I hated my life I just wanted to end! I pick up my knife and cut agin and agin until the blood was all over my bed. I was sitting there in my own blood thinking no-one cares about me they all want me dead anyways! I can't help but cut a little my, I tuned on my phone to see the text message people were sending me 'go die' no-one likes you slut' 'eww I can't believe you're still here go kill yourself ugly price of shit' 'fuck off no-one cares about you' and e.c.t. I get my knife and holds it up to my neck, I wright down the things they said to me knowing it was the last time I would here them say that, I wright down that 'I'm sorry I fucked your life up mum and dad, I'm sorry that I wasn't perfect like the girls in my class'. I wright down to my Cush 'I'm sorry that I'm not perfect and beautiful like the other girls' and the last thing I wright down 'I'm done!'