Chapter 7

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I look on my phone and see a text from luke.

Luke: there's a party tonight ;)

Me: so....

Luke: I want to come with me

Me: ok when?

Luke: 7:30

Me: pick me up here ok

Luke: ok babe ;)

I smiled at the text and the clock read 5:00 pm. I took a shower and got changed into my clothes. White converse a crop top and black jeans.

The clock read 7:30. I heard honking outside my house.i went down the stairs and saw the most hotest sight. Luke was leaning against his car."Hey beautiful". He smirked at me."Hey hemmings". I walked over and we kissed. We got in his car and drove away of hand intertwined together.

After a while we got out of the car. People already were making out and stumbling around holding red cups in there hands."let's go get some drinks".He said over the loud muisc.we walked hand in hand over to the table were the drinks were. I grabbed one that looked liked beer.i took a sip and was grabbed by luke."want to play truth or dare".He said."yeah sure". We walked over to Michael,Ashton,And claum and some girl."Ava truth or dare"."dare". I said as the girl with red hair smirked. " i dare you to kiss ash". She said I mean it wasn't like it ment anything. I went over to Ashton and kissed him on the lips.luke was furious at Ashton and I think he was jealous.i grabbed luke by the arm and pulled him aside." What the hell luke". I yelled silently."I just.... am jealous that you like Ashton"."what I'll prove that your the only one ok".he nodded we sat back down with the group."luke truth our dare". I said."dare".He smirked at me."I dare you to come upstairs With me for as long as you want". We climbed up the stairs into the bedroom."told you".I said and snaked my arms around his waist.

We made out for a half an hour. Then layer my head on Luke's chest and lied there. I think I love hemming.

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