Part Fifteen

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Authors note

Oh my goodness I didn't know I would be updating this book so much. I'm starting to love writing it. I hope you guys like it. Thank you so much for reading it. Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes I'll fix them up at the end of the book. Thank you for reading my book  Love you all xoxox

~ Ellie's Pvo ~

Hearing voices groaning and opening my eyes. Blinking a couple times my eyes clearing up "hello sleepy head" spoke Colin looking up to him " how long have I been asleep for" yawning whilst stretching my body "not long my love about 30 minutes " he smiled towards me whilst kissing my forehead.

"Hello Alex" he smiled "hello my majesty" I laughed softly " Ellie will be just fine Alex" he nodded.

" how long until we arrive" they both looked at me. " the plane lands in about an hour " something stirred inside of me. Am I nervous to see my family or was a most nervous to see that man again. Groaning to myself I looked out the window.

"So what will happen when we get there" spoke Alex "well we will go to Ellie's pack house to visit her family. Her father has something to give her. I have no clue what it is but he really wanted us to come back. " spoke Colin

What is my father getting me I don't want to see him I just want to be home with Colin "Ellie sweetie" snapping out of my thoughts I looked towards Colin.

"Yes my love" my voice was sweet and innocent a smile speared across his face. He thought about something and his smile fell. "Your mate will be back at pack house" angry grow in his grey eyes.

"But I already have you. Aren't you my mate" I spoke softly a smiled spread across his and Alex's face. "Yes my love but mike is also your werewolf mate " looking at Colin confused "he will make you stronger he'll always love you. You need him he needs you" his eyes held so much hurt and sadness whilst he spoke about my mate.  I felt my heart crush a whimper escaped my lips.

I looked out the window.
He doesn't want us anymore that's why he's taking me home. He just used me. A tear slid down my cheek

He never used us spoke something in my head.

Yes he did then why is he taking me home to where my werewolf Mate is. I spoke angry towards the voice.

Don't be fighting me or him spoke the voice

I felt a growl escape my chest. I looked at Colin his eyes said everything he didn't want me he was angry at himself he's grey eyes darkened s hiss escaped his lips I got up and walked to the front of the plane.

Knocking on the pilots door he opened it "yes your highness" spoke the man "what time will be land" he smiled softly " about 10 minutes not even that" he smiled to him and thanked him walking back to my seat.

"Why don't you want me" the words slipped from my lips his eyes shot up to me. "I do want you, what are you talking about " I was confused "why are you taking me back home I don't want to see my mate I want you" he smiled

"Your father wants you home he needs to give something to you. It must be important as he contacted me Ellie I'm sorry I don't even know what it is." Slowly sitting in my seat.

"Attention all Passengers please take your seats as we are about to land" spoke the pilot 

We are almost home. Spoke my wolf I felt her jump around inside of me. Colin grabbed a hold on my hand as butterflies filled my body a smiled spread across my face. "I love you" he spoke softly towards me as he lifted my hand to his lips " I love you too"

We landed I quickly changed into a red dress braiding my hair into a low set bun Colin placed my crown on top of my head.

Quickly putting my makeup on black smokey eye and red lip stick. The plane door opened the guards exited first then Alex walking out of the plane I was greater by some wolves the pine cone smell hit me as I breathed in walking down the stairs.

"Are you ready" slowly nodded my head I walked towards the black slick limo getting into the limo "I'm nervous " I whispered Colin kissed my forehead "your doing great " he whispered against my forehead.

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