Going Back to School

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I do not own these characters, but the story is mine.


I look over at my alarm clock, it reads 7:30 AM. How do people wake up this early? Humans should not have to wake up this early. I already miss being homeschooled. I got to wake up whenever I would like and I was able to go as long as I want without showering. I finally slam down on the snooze button on the screeching clock. I quickly fall back asleep.

"Cassie? CASTIEL WHY ARE YOU STILL IN BED? TODAY IS YOUR FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL AND NOW YOU ONLY HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET READY!" I suddenly figure out why my guardian's name is Lucifer, because really he is the devil. The devil that is making me go to a place where other humans are. Those are my least favorite places.

"Seriously, Castiel, get up, your brother and sister are basically ready to go." I sigh and finally swing my long legs over the edge of the bed. I get up and trip over all of the stuff that I throw on the floor. I look down at the ground trying to find a decent outfit to put on. As I dig through the clothes laying on the floor I discover many things, like how there has been half of a burger under my Walking Dead t-shirt. I toss the shirt right back over the molding food, scared because the burger looks like it is going to turn into a zombie at any moment. I finally decide on wearing a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of black, skinny jeans. As soon as Lucifer sees me dressed he rushes me out of my room and into the kitchen. There my sister Anna shoves a bagel into my mouth and I am trying not to choke.

"I can't believe I am going to be late to my first day as a freshman," she complains. She starts pacing around the room, pulling at her long, red hair.

"I don't mind one bit at all. I hate high school, the only thing good about it is that everybody is stupid and so that makes pranking them so much easier." says my older brother Gabriel with smirk on his face. He looks like he is planning his next trick.

Lucifer looks like he is about to explode. He stares at me slowly chewing on the bagel that was just recently shoved in my mouth. "You guys won't be late. I know that this is a new to you, Cassie, but rule number one is that we are never late for school." I look at him and nod. I shove the piece of thick bread down my throat. I am starting to get nervous, I have never been to a school with other people for awhile because... well, let's just say I wasn't exactly mentally stable. I really just got my shit together now, at age 16. This means I have no clue what will go down at school, since I have just been going on and off over the years. Sixth grade was the start of everything. This is when I started to realize who I was. I especially noticed that the girls in class where just not as pretty as the boys sitting next to them.

I told everybody about my new discovery and my parents got upset. Upset enough to leave scars upon my pale skin. But every time they would hurt me, it did something to mind too. I was too upset to even look at myself in to mirror. I was a failure. I didn't matter. I wasn't even worth it. That's what they told me and that's what I believed. The kids in my class found out that I was different and called me terrible words that I didn't understand until I would look them up and then cry for hours upon hours because what they said was so hurtful.

My parents finally got rid of me, when they realized they could not beat the gay out of me. When I was 14, they dropped me off at Lucifer's, my cousin, and told them that they never wanted to see me again. I am glad they did because Lucifer is now like a big brother to me and his siblings are also close family too.

I have been going to school on and off because I would freak out when I was around other people. I was afraid that everyone would just tear me down because of who I am. I'm not going to lie sometimes they did, and that is why I was homeschooled for a pretty long time until now. After going to a therapist for two years admitting to all the abuse I have faced, I think I am finally ready to go to school full time. I mean, I hope I am because I really am ready to make some friends and maybe gain a couple of good memories to help cover the bad.

I pick up my tan backpack and toss it over my shoulder. "We better get going if you don't want to be late, Anna."

"Finally! I am so excited to meet my new teachers. I'm also excited for all of the new classes I get to take," she exclaims.

"Only you, Anna." Gabriel murmurs with a frown on his face. He quickly swipes a cherry sucker off the counter as we all start to walk out the door. Anna gives him a very unpleasant frown.

I ignore all my siblings as soon as we hop into the car and start to drive. I pop in headphones and listen to a couple of classic Beatles songs. It seems like music is the only thing that can slow my very fast heart rate. I take a couple of breaths. Who has this much anxiety over going to school? I must be a total loser.

The car stops and my heart drops into my stomach. I forgot how big the school was. I hadn't been to Lawrence High School since I was Anna's age. I hoped nobody remember the brief month that I had been here.

Anna basically skips out of the car. She already is carrying three books in her long skinny arms. She waves goodbye to me, and I swear I see her leap through the entrance of that school.

Gabriel looked like he didn't hate school as much as he said he did because after Anna frolicked into the school, his eyes lit up when he saw a group of guys with goofy looking smiles. "Hey, I'm just going to say hi to a couple of my buddies and then I will walk you in. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure." I give him a quick nod. I get out of the car and Lucifer gives me a good luck and drives to his job. I walk over to Gabriel with my head down when it looks like his group broke apart to check over new schedules.

"You okay there Cassie, It kind of looks like your eyes are going to just pop out of your head."

"Yeah, well, you never know," I look away. I wish I was invisible.

"I know your nervous but if anyone gives you shit,  then tell'em to suck it." I have to be honest that wasn't terrible advice. It was good enough to get me open the door of the giant school that held stereotypes and hormonal teens of all kinds, and take a step inside. Welcome to high school Castiel.

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