The Green-Eyed Boy's Thoughts

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Lisa is such a bitch. What the hell? How have I not noticed before? She glares at Castiel throughout the whole class, and I watch him shift uncomfortably throughout the whole class. He is desperately trying to keep his attention on Mr. Singer, but how could he with Lisa's bitch gaze burning through him.

Why do I even care? I literally met him not even an hour ago, but I feel the need to protect him. He just seems so vulnerable. I take my eyes off of Castiel, for some reason that was a real challenge, and position them on Lisa. "Cut it out," I whisper sharply.

"I'm not doing a thing," she replies.

She was right, Lisa was not saying a word, but for some reason the fact that Castiel was uncomfortable made him really angry. "Lisa just pay attention it's the first day of school after all." Her jaw dropped, but she stopped glaring at Cas, now she put her daggers of eyes on me. She stared at me the whole class, but I didn't give crap because I was staring at Castiel. God his eyes are crystal blue, but why the hell would I care about that?

The bell rang, and I jumped, for I was wondering what Castiel's life story was. I would really like to get to know him. I notice I'm the only one still sitting, everyone else is rushing out of the classroom in search for their next class.

 I get out of my seat, and I realize that I lost Cas. I frown and look at my schedule in search for my geometry classroom. Math was definitely more of a subject for Sammy. I don't even know how I got this far.

I get through the painful introductions to the rest of the assholes in that damn class. I am already done with this freaking school. I guess it's better than going home to my dad. I don't think I can handle that today.

I just want to think about the amazing boy that I literally ran into. I can't forget his messy hair, black clothes, and of course the eyes.

I leave my classroom trying not the think about the hell I will have to go through this year with all of the future homework and dealing with my own screwed up family. I was lost in thought until someone dropped a book and my foot.

"Son of a bitch!" I don't even know why that hurt so much, but I couldn't ignore the throbbing of my big toe. I reach down for the book, and then I felt something collide with my heard.

"Jesus!" I start to rub my head.

"I am so sorry," squeaked a familiar voice, I looked up and I immediately know who it was.

"Cas!" I yelled a little to excitedly. I shrugged it off. He looked at me quite shocked.

"Dean? I'm so sorry, it just slipped and-"

"Cas, shut up it's ok! Trust me, I wasn't paying attention at all, seems to be a theme today." I give him a toothy grin. He gives me an awkward grin back. I like it. I was just about to open my mouth to ask him what class he had next, when we were interrupted by my least favorite person in this school. Crowley.

"Well, look here it's the little home schooled fag," I start to tighten my grip on the pen I was holding, "Dean why are you hanging around this wimpy ass dork?" I am ready to punch him, but I don't answer. Crowley turns to Castiel and direct the insults right to his face.

"Why haven't you come to school for the past years? Were you embarrassed of showing your face," Cas is looking down, trying to avoid the brute's gaze. Crowley pushes him into the lockers, everyone is staring. "I'm starting to realize why your parents kicked you out." Cas was on the edge of tears, and Crowley was getting way too fucking close. I could imagine the outcome of this .

I walk up to Crowley who wasn't paying attention to me whatsoever and tap him on the shoulder. He looks over at me, and I punch him in the face. I punch him in the face for a boy I don't even know and yet I feel satisfied as Crowley's body falls to the floor. I rush over to Cas who was cowering where Crowley left him

I put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, you're going to be okay." He looks up to me. I see the tears in his eyes, and I know he wasn't in the mood for a conversation. He points me to his locker we grab his things, and I walk him to his next class. The bell rings, I'm late. Perfect.

I walk to my own classroom and then spot Cas's locker where we had been moment ago. I take out a piece a paper and write what I need to put down and slide it through the skinny slot of the locker.

I walk to my class feeling a little better than I did just minutes ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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