J&J Contest -Season 1-

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Hello dear readers, thank you for taking the time to check out this contest, and maybe audition? I hope so! 

There are only 9 spots for each judges. So, we will be the ones picking who we would like on our team. If both of us want you then we will PM you to see who you would like. :]

In your audition you must include this: 


Why you like write: 

Prefered genre to write to: 

A piece of something you wrote (please include the link to the story):

Share something about yourself: 

Important Note: You can choose the length of your work for the audition, but try to make it long enough (at least one page) so the judges can get a feeling of your writing style. You can either post your audition here or send it by PM to this account. 

That's all for now, if you have any questions you can send us a PM here or to our private accounts. 

Judge number one is   @far_out  (Hi) and she will later tell you guys more about herself and what she's looking for. Or... I could tell you right now. :] Janey here. All I ask of you is to be respectul (of both Jamilet and I, as well as the other contestants) and to just be dedicated. Because, to be honest, I hate it when people bail at the last minute... so you need to give this your metaphorical 'all'.

Judge number two is me - @JLizardo - you can ask me anything, really I don't mind. I'm not asking for much, I just want dedicated and responsible writers, the ones that put their heart to the writings.

Once we each have 9 team members we'll proceed with the rules, prizes and other details on how you will complete each challenge. 

Good luck guys! 

Xoxo- @JLizardo

Best Wishes,

                     Janey Sabel (far_out)

J&J Contest -Season 1- [AUDITIONS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now