Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER I don't own A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G

- Second fanfic iiiiiiisssssssss... UP!

I was sitting in a compartment on a train that later I discovered was called the "Hogwarts Express", ridiculous right? Well it might be ridiculous but it isn't a joke, or, at least, I didn't think so.

I was staring out of the window, thinking of everything that had happened lately.

Apparently I was to pose as a transfer student from America in a school called Hogwarts (the name is so hilarious I laughed so much that my cheeks went all sore). So, I was to go into the 5th year since I'm fifteen and you're supposed to get sorted into a …. House? I still don't get it that much and I'm the one who's supposed to be on the "secret mission".

You may be wandering what I'm talking about and who, or should I say, what I am? Yep? Thought so. Well, here we go:

My name is Irene, Irene Tyche. It's a strange and, as Annabeth put it, "unique" name, she also said, or lectured, that "Irene" was of Greek origin and that it meant "peace", while "Tyche" was the name of the Greek goddess of good luck, all of which she seemed thrilled about since there weren't that many people that had all of their name of Greek origin. I'm a demigod, daughter of Hecate, goddess of magic, ghosts and witchcraft to be more exact. Yeah, you do not need a hearing aid or, in this case, a reading aid (more commonly known as glasses or contact lenses), the gods (did I mention they're real?)do have kids which are known as demigods or half-bloods.

So about what I'm talking about and how I know all this, you would have to go Camp Half-Blood to believe me. Well, where should I start? Ah! The Hearing Mistake! Let's start should we? Everyone ready? Lights, cameras, ACTION!

I was playing around with my powers while picking strawberries when, by accident, I made my hearing become ...err... around five times as potent as before, so, in other words, I could hear every conversation in a 100 meter radius, two words only: not good. Once it happened during a Capture the Flag game and that did not end well, my ears have never heard anything as loud since. Now it turned out I actually tapped into the Big House, three words: sooo not good (is sooo even a word?). I heard Chiron speaking to another lady, something about wizards and Dark Magic and a whole lot of other stuff that wouldn't make sense if it wasn't my mother talking, I then realized the other lady was my mother . After a bit Hecate seemed to notice me hearing and ... well, let's just say I got whisked into a whole new world of fantasy and danger, as if I didn't already have enough of those things already. She then explained everything and sent me to pack. Apparently the wizarding community use wands, now to do magic I don't need a wand so half the time I'll probably forget to, at least, have the wand in my hand, which will most likely arouse a whole wave of suspicion.

I still don't understand what I'm supposed to do, but it seems like the wizards equivalent of Kronos, some guy called "Voldemort", who isn't that powerful compared to any demigod, imagine a child of Hecate, and who the wizarding authorities refuse to accept that he is alive since he seems to have died before but used a form of dark magic to come back, supposedly has found out about the Greek gods and is probably going to recruit some monsters for his army. So I apparently have to help the wizarding community to fight back, I also have to keep an eye on a boy named Harry Potter, who seems to be the person who killed Voldemort in the first place, he also seems to have, on his forehead, a lightning bolt shaped scar, the result of their encounter.

Someone touched my shoulder and I was startled out of my thoughts so suddenly that I jumped so high that I nearly hit the ceiling, and, before I knew it, my hand reached for the dagger hidden in my belt, while the other started edging towards my ring, which, in reality, was my sword, a present from Hecate, in disguise. Turning around, I noticed it was actually just three teenagers that were looking for their friend, a girl who, surprisingly, was sitting right in front of me (I had seen her there, but I hadn't taken notice).

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