Chapter 2

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Seconddd chapter... You can't imagine how happy I am about 10 reads :0 THAAAANK YOU !

Second Chapter because I'm happy right now.


~ 4 years later~

In five days I fly to London. Yes, it's crazy how time flies. For a few month I was in 10th class and now I'm 18 and can move to everywhere I want. I chose to move to London. I don't know why. I mean yes of course I have to know why because I fly to another country. I have my reasons.

For 6 years I was in primary school and had to make a reboot , when I went on the gymnasium (it's a kind of high school for really intelligent pupils; usually used in Germany; don't know if any other countries have that, too) I was alone, I knew nobody.

Now I have to make a new reboot. I go to another country. Thankfully I don't go alone. My 5 years older cousine Sarah comes with me, but she comes a few days later because of family and stuff.

You certainly ask yourself why she comes with me. She is like me. She really likes british people and she always wanted to move to England.

In 5 days everything will change. And I have to make it. It sounds weird but it's like my assignment. I have to leave much persons, I really love.That's the worst thing. The hardes thing is to leave my boyfriend Jim but we will keep in touch and we want to keep this relationship so we have to make a long distance relationship but I trust him, that's why I want to keep that relationship.

Another hard thing is to say goodbye to my family especially my sister. She's two years older than me but we're like best friends. I never had a problem to talk with my sister about secrets. We tell each other everything,really everything. I love her so much. She's the only one who's there for me when I have problems with my mum or my dad, when I have problems in school, when I have problems with people in class. She's always there for me and I will be always there for her and I can say that I'll never have a friend like my sister because she is special.

I'm in my room and pack my clothes for the fly. I see much things from my childhood and everytime when I pick up a cuddle-toy I could cry. All these memories. I'll miss home.

After a few minutes my sister joined me. She leans against the door.

"You're packing your bags?" she asks

"Yes, I do... You know I have to fly to London."

"I know. It's just-" I hear her snob. "It's just I'll miss you so much. I mean where can I find such a great sister like you somewhere again?" She starts crying

"Come on, Trixi" I stand up and hug her "It's not like I'll dying!" she give a short laughter

"I know but you're so far away from home. What If we won't keep in touch?"

"Don't ever believe that, Trixi! You know you're the only one, whom it's so hard to say goodbye because I love you more than anything else!"

"But if you're leaving, I won't see you for a long time."

"Trixi, I will call you everyday, I will text you everyday, and of course I come to see you all again very soon. I move just to England. You can visit me there whenever you want."

She cries and I can feel how my arm is getting wet. It's like she's a 4 years old girl who can't stop crying but I understand her. I feel right the same.

"I still have 5 days before I'm going to fly. Let's don't cry the whole time. Whe are strong, do you hear? We will make that!"

She stands up and looks me in the eyes. "You're right. I have to stop crying and we'll make the 5 days to best 5 days you'll have" she says.


So in the next chapter she will fly to London and then she will meet the first member of 1D (I'l not tell you who the first is). I'm sorry when it's boring but, I promise you, it'll be interisting

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